       唐山国际旅游岛,是京津冀地区唯一的海岛,也是距离北京最近的海岛。其中菩提岛上有2600多棵北方罕见的菩提树,自然植被覆盖率达到98%以上,是孤悬于海上的天然动植物园、国际观鸟基地,更是度假康养的理想去处;月岛蓝天碧海、细沙彩滩;祥云岛,优质浴场,风光旖旎;祥云湾海域更是首批国家级海洋牧场之一。曹妃甸是“中国河豚之乡”,这里有北方最大的滨海湿地——曹妃甸湿地。 “多玛乐园”,是以捕鱼、乐水为主的主题乐园,在这里,您能实现传统民间捕鱼与高科技乐渔的完美体验。此外,乐亭李大钊纪念馆和李大钊故居、生态农业园区、碧海浴场等,共同勾勒出“红、绿、蓝”三色动人画卷。
       在采煤沉降区上建成的南湖生态旅游景区,经历了由“深黑”到“翠绿盎然”的历史性巨变。唐山宴,被誉为“一座能吃的博物馆”, 光影水舞秀美轮美奂,唐山文化IP——时尚动感的皮影主题乐园、还有首部湖中岛上沉浸式实景体验剧《那年芳华》等20多个精品项目,向湖聚集、拥湖发展,开启了“南湖时代”的篇章。
       Hello everyone,I'm Li Li, director of the Bureau of culture, radio, television and tourism of Tangshan City, Hebei Province,I'm very glad to take you into this century old coastal industrial city——Tangshan.
       Tangshan, praised by general secretary Xi Jinping as "the city of heroes".In recent years,Tangshan has made great effort to all-for-one tourism,striven to build "Tangshan weekend" tourism brand,founded Southern island wetland,industrial culture in Central China,and the Northern Great Wall landscape these "three tourism sectors" ,We have formed history-culture tour,industry-civilization tour,classic red tour,costal-leisure tour and other events with a tourism industry system of chain connection and integration development.
[Southern Tangshan , A Beautiful Island Wetland]
       Tangshan international tourism island,is the only island in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei area,it is also the nearest to Beijing.there are more than 2600 bodhi trees which are rare in the north part of the country on Bodhi island,the natural vegetation coverage rate is over 98%,it is a natural animal and plant garden and an international birdwatching base over the sea,even an ideal place for holiday and health care.Moon Island with blue sky, blue sea, fine sand and colorful beach.Xiangyun island is a high-quality bathing place with beautiful scenery.Xiangyun Bay is even one of the first batch of state-level marine pastures.Caofeidian is the "hometown of puffer fish in China",Here has the largest coastal wetland in the North—— Caofeidian wetland."Duoma Paradise"is a theme park gives priority to fishing and water playing,In here,you can have a perfect experience of traditional folk fishing and high-tech fishing.Besides, Leting Li Dazhao memorial hall, Li Dazhao's former residence,eco-agricultural park, Bihai bathing beach, etc.have jointly outlined the three-color moving pictures of "red, green and blue".
[Northern Tangshan, The Great Wall Is Decorous and Beautiful]
       World cultural heritage 5A scenic spot--- Qingdongling,is the largest and most complete royal mausoleum in China,graceful, broad and magnanimous,it is an outstanding representative of the perfect combination of architectural art and beautiful mountains and rivers.Guquan Town, Lianxiang Town carrying the historical legends of Li Shimin and empress Xiao.Jingzhong Mountain, inscribed by Emperor Kangxi as“the famous mountain in the world”,the ancient rocks are towering, and the green pines cover the sun,it has the reputation of “The mountain in beauty”.The 220-kilometer great wall of Ming Dynasty winds at the top of Yanshan Mountain,Qingshanguan, marble Great Wall and Xifengkou Great Wall are unique for thousands of miles.Panjiakou Water Conservancy Scenic Spot is known as the small Three Gorges in the north and the Lijiang River at the border.scenery of mountain and river in Huangtaihu Park depend on each other,On Xuanyuange, see "half city with Luanhe water, a lake is filled with beauty".Shanyekou, National Geopark,strange stone, graceful water and beautiful pine, it has the name of "holographic Archean geological and geomorphological archives".Luanzhou ancient city and Luanhe River bank,are a chapter of the integration of Han, Manchu, Mongolian and other nationalities,moreover, it is a picture of the social life of the ancient city of northern China.Besides, Qianxi national chestnut Park,national garden complex project ---- Huaxiang fruit lane, etc are full of rustic simplicity and wild interest.
 [Middle of Tangshan, Impressive Industrial Culture ]
       The South Lake eco-tourism scenic spot built in the mining subsidence area,has experienced a historic change from "dark" to "green".Tangshan banquet, which is known as "a museum that can be eaten",beautiful light, shadow and water dance show,Tangshan culture IP——fashionable and dynamic shadow play theme park,There are also more than 20 boutique projects  such as the first immersive live experience drama "that year's youth",gathering and embracing the lake has opened a chapter of "South Lake era".
       At the same time,China Railway source Museum which records the development history of China Railway and locomotive shows China's modern industrial history and achievements,integrates the protection of Industrial Relics and the history of mining for a hundred years,carries heavy urban civilization,engraved with the rise of modern Chinese industry and the brilliance of Tangshan.
[The Spring Breeze of Policy, Helps The Culture and Tourism Industry]
       Tangshan City thoroughly implements the important instructions of general secretary Xi Jinping's  "three efforts to build", and "the three to take the lead",firmly established and practiced the concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets".We will accelerate the construction of all-for-one tourism demonstration cities,adhere to panoramic building, industrial development,participation and all-round service of the whole society,actively build regional tourism cooperation and exchange platform.We will strive to build Tangshan into a "back garden of Beijing", an important tourism and leisure destination of Beijing,and a well-known cultural tourism city domestic and abroad.
       Friends,Tangshan tourism is ready to take off,Hospitable China,Hospitable Hebei,Hospitable Tangshan,Welcome you!