       在美丽的明月山脚下有一个温汤镇,这里有神奇的富硒温泉,含有以硒为主的27种人体不可或缺的微量元素, 偏硅酸含量是国家标准的3倍,也是目前世界上唯一一处可饮可浴的富硒温泉,被世界温泉及气候养生联合会授予“世界温泉健康名镇”的荣誉称号,在中国仅此一处,是“中国温泉之乡”。来到这里,您可以沏一壶温汤茶,泡一个温汤浴,或者坐在古井长廊泡脚养生,享受休闲静养的惬意生活。
       明月山还是农耕文化的发祥地之一,南宋诗人范成大曾说“出庙三十里,至仰山,岭上皆禾田,层层而上至顶,名曰梯田”。这就是“梯田”一词的出处。明月山的梯田依山而建,气势磅礴,直上云端。春季水面如镜, 与朝霞、云雾连成一线, 秋季梯田似海,金黄的稻穗波涛涌动,是观赏最佳的两个季节。我们的水口村、塘佳山是江西最具乡愁的地方之一,在这里能感受到一年四季赏花食果、采摘劳作的趣味,让您在观赏游玩之中,体验、享受独特的农耕之趣。江西风景独好,明月山风景独奇。明月山是国家AAAAA级旅游景区、国家级旅游度假区。我们把月亮文化与温泉文化、禅宗文化、农耕文化有机结合,营造了山月相融、泉月相印、禅月相通、农月相趣的山水文化意境,让您来了不想走,走了还想来。
       爱我, 就带我去明月山!多情的明月山热忱欢迎四方宾朋常来观光旅游、休闲度假! 

       My hometown Mount Mingyueshan is in Yichun, Jiangxi. It is famous for its mystical mountains, selenium-enriched springs, Buddha statue and interesting farms. Han Yu once praised her as Yichun is not far away, the landscape there is charming. Zhu Xi complimented, “walking in the wildness of Yichun, I see many interesting hills around”.Hello, everyone. I am Song Xiaowen, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Mount Mingyueshan National Park. I am honored to bring you close to the Mount Mingyueshan.
       Mount Mingyueshan is renowned because the stones shine light at night like the moon. Legend has it that it is the hometown of Chang’e. Here the mountains are tall and magnificent. They appear in different styles. The highest altitude is 1736 meters. It is famous for its uniqueness, magnificence, steepness and serenity. Walking in between the hills, 10 thousand hectare of bamboos, Luxuriant and green. The negative oxygen ion content is 35 times the national standard on the hills. It is deserved to be the natural oxygen bar. There is the unique Qingyun Trestle Road on Mount Mingyueshan. Lustrous and dazzling Star and Moon Cave. Thrilling and exciting Benyue sliding rope. Tranquil and charming moon river. With the 119 meters drop, the No.1 waterfall in the south of the Yangtze River, Yungu Waterfall. There is also the sightseeing train on mountains and so on, which will make you want to stay here forever.
       On the beautiful foothill of Mount Mingyueshan, there is a hot spring town and the magical selenium-enriched hot spring. It contains mainly selenium and 27 kinds of microelements necessary for the human body. Metasilicic acid content is three times the national standard. It is also the only selenium-enriched hot spring in the world that is both drinkable and capable for bathing. It was awarded with the honor,  “World-famous Hot Spring Healthy Town”by FEMTEC. This is the only place in China, which is the hometown of Chinese hot spring. Coming here, you could make a hot spring tea. You could take a hot spring bath or sit by the ancient well and corridor and soak your foot in the water to enjoy a leisure, quiet and relaxing life.
       The temple in the Hongjiang Town on Mount Mingyueshan is the ancestral temple of Weiyang School of Buddhism. In 841, Huiji Buddism Master has constructed the Taiping Xingguo Temple on Mount Mingyueshan. This is the current Qiyin Temple. One thousand years till now, the Buddhism activities have been held continuously. Weiyang School has been spread to the world. Historical figures such as Huang Tingjian, Fan Chengda, Xin Qiji, Zhu Xi, Zheng Gu and so on have practiced meditation and enlightenment here. Yicheng master said that here is the sacred place for zen. Xingyun master has personally wrote, “Yichun, the city of zen”. India, Japan and many monks and followers have come for its fame to learn scriptures. It becomes the world-famous sacred place of Buddhism.
       Mount Mingyueshan is also one of the cradles of farming culture. Poet Fan Chengda from the Southern Song Dynasty once said Walking out of the temple for 30 li, to Mount Yangshan, Finding the paddy field everywhere on the mountain, Layers to the top. So called the terrace. This is where the phrase, “terrace” come from. Mount Mingyueshan was built by the hills. It is magnificent. It is high and extending to the sky. The spring river is like a mirror,  in line with the clouds and fog. The autumn terrace is like an ocean where the golden paddy field is waving. It is the best two seasons to view the terrace. Our Shuikou Village and Mount Tangjia are the most nostalgic places in Jiangxi Province.Right here you can have a fun experience in appreciating flowers, eating fruits and picking the farming products. While appreciating and playing, you can experience and enjoy the uniqueness of farming. The landscape in Jiangxi is marvelous. The scenery on Mount Mingyueshan is unique. Mount Mingyueshan is the level AAAAA scenic spot and the national-level holiday resort. We bring the moon culture, the hot spring culture,Buddhism culture and farming culture together. We created a cultural conception including integration of hills and the moon, springs against the moon, the connected relation of zen and the moon and the interesting farming and the moon culture. The scenery here will make you want to stay here forever whenever come or leave.
       If love me, bring me to the Mount Mingyueshan! The affectionate Mount Mingyueshan warmly invites you all to take a trip and enjoy the holidays here.