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辽宁·龙港区 滨城福地 大美龙港

       一百年前,中山先生在这里筑梦畅想;八十年前, 少帅张学良在这里拓港抵外;七十年前,中华民族伟大博爱精神在此闪光;这里就是——中国葫芦岛龙港。大家好,我是辽宁省龙港区委书记王胜秋,接下来请您跟我一同走进龙港。
【日新月异 魅力龙港】
       龙港区位于辽宁西南端,是东北振兴和京津冀一体化, 两大国家战略的重要节点是葫芦岛市的中心城区,是葫芦岛的政治、经济、文化中心,是以二、三产业为主导的新型城区。世界的天然不冻良港——葫芦岛港,国家特大型企业、亚洲最大的锌冶炼基地——葫芦岛有色金属集团有限公司和中国最大的造船企业——渤海造船厂集团有限公司都坐落在我们这里。
【振兴发展 活力龙港】
       习近平总书记在关于振兴东北老工业基地的讲话中特别提出,“要把装备制造业做强做大,加快培育战略性新兴产业”。 龙港区作为辽西地区重要的装备制造业基地,我们紧跟时代要求,按照“布局集中、产业集聚、用地集约”的发展理念,不断推动海洋工业装备制造产业创新发展,逐步构建起了以海洋工业为特色的现代高端产业体系。
【智慧生活 生态龙港】
       多年来,龙港区凭借优越的自然条件和人文环境,孕育了三大城市综合体项目:首先我要给大家介绍的是龙湾中央商务区,  是辽宁沿海经济带上唯一一个滨海生态CBD,它的建设目标是成为集“商务会展、康体休闲、旅游度假”为一体的海洋、生态型中心商务区。下面我要介绍的呢是两河五村生态岛城市综合体,它旨在打造中心城区的标志性人文建筑群和龙港生态型城市中心休闲生活区。最后一个我要为大家介绍的是我们的望海寺风情小镇,它依托天然海水浴场和滨海公路,结合海滨公园,最终将建成集商务、娱乐、度假、海上运动于一体的高端休闲度假港湾。
【便捷物流 畅达龙港】
【旅游休闲 诗意龙港】
       龙港区海洋资源开发潜力巨大,更是一个风景秀丽的海滨旅游城区。区内的龙湾海滨座落于渤海湾畔,每当夜晚来临,整个景区犹如白昼,被誉为“辽西第一不夜滩”。龙回头景区陡峭的悬崖高于海平面近百米,景观台依山临海, 松涛起伏,远目眺望,拓野舒心。国家4A级旅游景区葫芦山庄,以葫芦、民俗文化为主线,以海文化为依托,已经成为葫芦岛市靓丽的城市名片。今日之龙港,无愧于历史,有志于前行;明日之龙港,既显其妩媚,更见其繁荣。龙港是演绎梦想的沃土,激情创业的家园,我们真诚地张开双臂,拥抱海内外各界朋友,来到龙港这座美丽的海滨小城,共享优势,共赢发展共创辉煌!

       One hundred year ago, Mr. Zhongshan was chasing dreams here. Eighty years ago, the young Marshal Zhang Xueliang built the harbor to prevent foreigners from controlling the northeast market. Seventy years ago, here sparkles the universal love of Chinese nationalities. This is Longgang, a district in Huludao in China. Hello, everyone, my name is Wang Shengqiu, Secretary of the CPC Longgang Party Committee in Liaoning Province. Next, let’s take a close look at Longgang.
       Longgang District is located in the southwest Liaoning. It is the city that plays an important role for two national strategies: revitalizing northeast China and the integration of Beijing, Tianjing and Hebei Province. It is the central urban area of Huludao City. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Huludao. It is the new urban district lead by the secondary industry and tertiary industry The natural ice-free harbor in the world, Huludao Harbor, state-owned mega enterprise, the largest Zinc Smelting Base in Asia – MCC Huludao Nonferrous Metals Group and the largest shipbuilding enterprise - Bohai Shipyard Group have settled here in Longgang.
       Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee especially said in his speech about revitalizing the old northeast industrial base that we need to enhance the equipment manufacturing industry and accelerate the cultivation of the new strategic industry. Longgang District is a significant equipment manufacturing base in west Liaoning, We keep up with the times. Based on the development ideology, “layout centralization, industry aggregation, land Intensification”, we are actively and creatively developing the marine industrial equipment manufacturing industry. A modern and high-end industry system featured by marine industry has been built step by step.
       For many years,relying on the extraordinary natural condition and cultural environment, Longgang has incubated three metropolitan complexes project:Firstly I want to introduce Longgang central business district, the only coastal and ecological CBD on the Liaoning Coastal Economic Area. Its goal of construction is to become the marine and ecological central business district that integrates business exhibition, recreation, tourism and vocation”. The next that I want to introduce is the two rivers, five villages and ecological island metropolitan complex. Its purpose is to create the iconic cultural construction cluster in the central urban district and the ecological and recreational living space in the central urban district of Longgang. Lastly, I want to introduce is our Wanghai Temple Town. Relying on the natural seaside resort and the seaside road, along with the coastal park, it will finally become a high-end recreational and vocational bay area integrating business, entertainment, vocation and marine sports.
       Under the acceleration of global economic integration, the new economy , represented by ecommerce, has gradually developed into a brand new operation model. Longgang District keeps up with the times and prioritizes the arrangement of two carriers of the modern logistics project. Firstly, I want to talk about the Port-vicinity Logistics Zone. Its total arrangement area is about 3.5 square kilometers. The planed construction has become a crucial district integrating storage and transportation, logistics cooperate headquarter economy and logistics financial insurance. Next, let me introduce you the Yuhuang Business and Trade District. 4.9 square meters of construction area is fully equipped with business, ecommerce and storage functions.
       The marine resources in Longgang have a large potential to develop. Longgang is also a beautiful coastal tourist urban district. The Long Bay in the district is located in the Bohai Bay. When the night falls, the whole district will be like daytime still, so called the No.1 Night Beach in west Liaoning. The steep cliff in the Longhuitou Tourist Attraction is higher than the sea level for close to 100 meters. The landscape terrace is surrounded by mountains and sits by the ocean. The Ocean flows ups and downs. Overlooking, you can see the pleasing wildness. National level AAAA tourist attraction district, Hulu Mountain Villa focuses on the gourd and folk culture, relies on the marine culture and has become a great city name card of Huludao City. Today’s Longgang, No regret for the past, Determined to advance, Tomorrow’s Longgang, It is charming, but also prosperous. Longgang is a fertile land for growing dreams and home for the exciting entrepreneurship. We sincerely open our arms to greet you from all over the world. You are welcomed to Longgang, this little beautiful coastal city. Let’s share the advantage,  share the success of development, and create the prosperity together!