“陕甘军民传喜讯,征师胜利到吴起。” 这是《长征组歌-到吴起镇》的一句歌词。相信大家听到这耳熟能详的激昂旋律,一定会想起惊天动地、气壮山河的二万五千里长征。 大家好,我是陕西省延安市吴起县委书记严晓慧,今天,很荣幸为大家推介中央红军长征胜利的落脚点——陕西吴起。 
       吴起是一片英雄的土地, 因战国名将吴起在此屯兵戍边而得名。  在2400多年的历史长河中,依稀可寻战国秦魏相争、秦帝国北拒匈奴、北宋西拒西夏、明朝筑墙守边的刀光剑影,留下了绵延230公里的秦长城遗迹,保存完好的30公里明长城遗迹,以及铁边城、五谷城、吴仓堡等古城寨堡、遗址遗迹239处。
       吴起是一片红色的土地,是刘志丹、谢子长、习仲勋等老一辈无产阶级革命家,创建的陕甘革命根据地的重要组成部分,因迎接中央红军长征落脚而闻名天下。 1935年10月,中央红军长征到达吴起,毛主席在西面山上的一棵杜梨树下, 指挥了著名的“切尾巴”战役,击败了尾随在后的敌军, 宣告了长征的胜利结束! 吴起人民把这座山称为“胜利山”, “胜利山牌”“胜利宴”成为吴起的名片。毛主席说, 陕北有两点,一个是落脚点,一个是出发点。中央红军长征落脚吴起后,“重整行装再出发”,从吴起走向延安、 走向西柏坡、走进北京,取得了一个又一个伟大的胜利,建立了新中国。 
       吴起是一片绿色的土地,因一场生态建设的“绿色革命”而享誉全国。1998年以来,累计退耕还林245万亩,成为退得最早、 还得最快、面积最大的全国“第一县”。二十多年来,勤劳朴实、奋发进取的吴起儿女,变“兄妹开荒”为“兄妹种树”, 使昔日的“黄土高坡” 变成了今天的“绿水青山”。荣获“全国文明县城”“国家卫生县城”等称号,生态环境和人文环境越来越好。
       吴起是一片希望的土地,油气资源丰富,旅游开发潜力巨大, 先后跻身“全国百强县” “西部百强县” “陕西十强县”。近年来, 吴起继承和发扬伟大的长征精神,走好新时代的长征路,走出了一条石油支撑、文旅带动、绿色转型的发展新路。 胜利山景区、毛主席旧居、退耕还林景区、边塞蓝湖景区、南沟休闲度假村等一批特色景区景点呈现在世人面前。吴起还有独具地域特色的小杂粮、地椒羊肉、“十三花”等美食。羊肉臊子剁荞面  是当年毛主席长征到达吴起后吃的第一顿饭,他连吃了三大碗后,曾感慨地说:“一年喽! 还没有吃过这么好的饭!陕北真是个好地方哟!” 热腾腾的油糕摆上桌,滚滚的米酒捧给亲人喝。吴起欢迎五湖四海的宾客  旅游观光、投资兴业。让我们合作共赢、收获成功,不断从胜利走向新的更大的胜利!

       “Shaanxi and Gansu people have good news, the long march army arrive Wuqi with victory.” This is a lyrics of “long march suite of songs- arrive wuqi town”. I believe that when you hear the familiar and passionate melody, you will remember the earthshaking and magnificent long march of 25,000 li. Hello everyone. I am Yan Xiaohui, secretary of the party committee of Wuqi county, Yan 'an city, Shaanxi province.Today, I am honored to recommend the foothold of the central red army's long march victory - Shaanxi Wuqi.
[Historical Wuqi:Cultural Integration,  Profound Foundation]
       Wuqi is a land of heroes.It is named after the Warring States general Wu Qi station troops to garrison the frontiers here.In the long history of more than 2,400 years, it is faintly searchable for the Qin and Wei countries fight, Qin resist Huns from north, the Northern Song resist the Western Xia regime from west, and the Ming dynasty to build a wall and guard the edge. Leaving a 230-kilometer relic of the Qin Great Wall, 30 kilometers well-preserved Ming Great Wall relic, as well as the ancient village of  Tiebiancheng, Wugucheng, Wucangbao, and 239 relics.
[Red Wuqi:Foothold Of Long March, Go To The National]
       Wuqi is a land of red. It is an important part of the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base established by Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Xi Zhongxun and other older generations of proletarian revolutionaries. It is famous for settle down the long march of the central red army. In October 1935, the long march of the central red army arrived Wuqi. Chairman Mao commanded the famous “cut the tail” campaign under a pear tree on the western mountain, defeated the enemy troops following behind, and declared the successful end of the long march! The people of Wuqi called this mountain “Shengli mountain”, “Shengli mountain brand” and “Shengli banquet” became the name card of Wuqi. Chairman Mao said, northern Shaanxi has two points, one is the foothold point, the other is the starting point. After the long march of the central red army settled down in Wuqi, “re-packing and re-starting”, from Wuqi to Yan’an, to Xibaipo, and into Beijing, achieved one great victory after another, and establish new China.
[Green Wuqi:Model Of Returning Farmland, Ecological Template]
       Wuqi is a land of green. It is famous for its "green revolution" of ecological construction.Since 1998, a total of 2.45 million mu of farmland has been returned to forests, making it the national “first county” with return earliest, fastest, and largest. Over the past 20 years, the industrious and simple, energetic and enterprising Wu Qi people have changed their “brothers and sisters to open up wasteland” into “brothers and sisters planting trees”,making the former “loess plateau” into today's “lucid waters and lush mountains”. It has won the title of “national civilized county”, “national health county”. The ecological environment and cultural environment is getting better and better.
[Strength Wuqi: Oil Support, Cultural Tourism Drive]
       Wuqi is a land of hope.With abundant oil and gas resources and great potential for tourism development, it has been listed as one of the “top 100 counties in China”, “top 100 counties in western China” and “top 10 counties in Shaanxi”. Wuqi has inherited and carried forward the great spirit of the long march,In recent years, walked the long march of the new era, and blazed a new road of development supported by oil, led by cultural tourism, and green transformation. A number of characteristic scenic spots such as Shengli mountain scenic spot, chairman Mao's former residence,returning farmland to forest scenic spot,border fortress blue lake scenic spot and Nangou leisure resort are presented to the world. Wuqi also has regional characteristics of minor grain crops, mongollian thymeHerb mutton, “thirteen dishes” and other delicacies. Mutton minced chopped buckwheat noodles is the first meal when chairman Mao’s long march arrived in Wuqi. After eating three bowls, he said:“It has been one year! I haven’t had such a good meal! Northern Shaanxi is really a good place!” Hot oil cake placed on the table, rolling rice wine for relatives to drink. Wuqi welcomes guests from all over the world to travel and invest. Let’s win-win cooperation, and gain success, walk from victory to new and greater victory!