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山东·日照市 阳光海岸 活力日照

       阳光海岸,活力日照。大家好!  我是山东省日照市人民政府副市长林彦芹。非常荣幸向大家介绍我的家乡——山东日照。日照因“日出初光先照”而得名,以“蓝天、碧海、金沙滩”而闻名,是一座美丽的海滨城市、新兴的港口城市、开放的活力城市。先后获得了联合国人居奖城市、中国优秀旅游城市、中国十大最美海滨城市。
【历史悠久 名人辈出】
       日照是世界五大太阳崇拜起源地之一,是龙山文化的发祥地,陵阳河遗址出土的“日月山”原始陶文,比甲骨文早了1500多年。这里出土的蛋壳黑陶,被誉为“四千年前地球文明最精美的制作”。 莒文化与齐文化、鲁文化并称山东三大文化,“毋忘在莒”的故事就发生在这里。日照人杰地灵、名人辈出,兵家鼻祖姜尚、《文心雕龙》作者刘勰、中共一大代表王尽美、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者丁肇中等都出生在这里。在这片古老而又年轻的土地上, 您可以感受博大精深、源远流长的灿烂文化。
【山海相依 生态宜居】
       日照冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,被誉为“北方的南方、南方的北方”。这里山海相拥,神奇浪漫,在168公里的海岸线上,绵延着64公里的金色沙滩。这里有 “天下银杏第一树”,莒县浮来山古银杏树历经3700多年岁月沧桑,依然枝繁叶茂、硕果累累; 这里有“奇秀不减雁荡”的五莲山、江北最大野生杜鹃花园九仙山、太极圣地大青山等独特风光。日照是著名的“北方绿茶之乡”,良好的生态环境和独特的土壤条件,孕育了28万亩优质茶园,“日照绿茶”是中国地理标志产品,它口感醇厚、清香绵长,深受大家喜爱。
【梦想花开 魅力时尚】
       自古以来,日照就是商贾云集、桅杆林立的商贸重镇。今天,这里已成为创新创业的沃土、实现梦想的高地。年轻的日照港连接四海、通达八方,货物吞吐量跃居全国沿海港口第7位。20多万个市场主体在这里孕育生长,10万多高校学子在这里求学创业,每年5000多万游客在这里流连忘返,东夷小镇、海洋公园、森林公园等 已成为最具人气的网红打卡地。
【激情澎湃 活力四射】
       日照是一个崇尚健康、热爱运动的城市,这里每年举办各类体育赛事一千多场,春打太极拳、夏开水运会、秋跑马拉松、冬办体操节、四季打网球、全年下围棋。2022年,第25届山东省运动会将在这里精彩启幕。这座美丽而充满活力的城市,让每一位热爱运动的人,都能找到属于自己的健身方式。 日出初光先照,这里注定是一个活力喷薄、梦想花开的地方。近年来,我们把“旅游富市”列为全市“五大发展战略”之一,聚力打造“阳光海岸 活力日照”城市品牌。
       朋友们,天生丽质的日照等着您,欢迎大家来阳光海岸 活力日照,体验“有一种生活叫日照”。

       Sunshine coast, vibrant Rizhao.Hello everyone!I'm Lin Yanqin, deputy mayor of the people's government of Rizhao, Shandong province. It is my great honor to recommend my hometown, Rizhao, Shandong province.Rizhao is named after the " first light of sunrise shine" and is known for "blue sky, blue sea, and golden beach".It is a beautiful coastal city,a new port city,and an open and vibrant city.It has won the United Nations habitat award city,China's outstanding tourist city,China's top ten most beautiful coastal cities. 
[Long history and full of famous people]
       Rizhao is one of the five origins of sun worship in the world and the birthplace of Longshan culture.The "Riyue mountain" original pottery unearthed at the Lingyanghe site was more than 1,500 years earlier than oracle bone inscriptions. The egg-shell black pottery unearthed here is praised as "the most exquisite production of the earth civilization four thousand years ago". The culture of Ju, the culture of Qi and the culture of Lu are the three major cultures of Shandong.The story of “not forget in Ju”is happened here.Rizhao is full of talents and outstanding people.Jiang Shang, the founder of military strategist,Liu Xie, the author of “The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons”,Wang Jinmei, the first representative of the communist party of China, and Ding Zhaozhong, the winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, were all born here.On this ancient and young land,you can feel the profound, long - standing splendid culture. 
[Depend on mountain and sea   Ecological livable]
       Rizhao is warm in winter and cool in summer, known as "the south of the north, the north of the south."Here, surrounded by mountains and seas,it is magical and romantic.On the 168km coastline,there are 64 km of golden beaches.There have "the world's first ginkgo trees",the ancient ginkgo trees of Fulai mountain in Ju county, after more than 3,700 years of vicissitudes,still thriving and fruitful. There have unique scenery like Wulian mountain "beautiful as Yandang mountain",Jiuxian mountain, Jiangbei's largest wild cuckoo garden,Daqing mountain, holy land of Tai Chi.Rizhao is a famous "hometown of green tea in the north".The favorable ecological environment and unique soil conditions have bred 280,000 mu of high-quality tea gardens. “Rizhao green tea” is a geographical indication product in China. It has a mellow taste and long fragrance, which is very popular.        
[Dream bloom  Charm and fashion]
       Since ancient times,Rizhao is a merchant gathering,mast - bristling business town.Today, it has become a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship and a high ground for realizing dreams.The young Rizhao port is connected to all parts of the world, with cargo throughput ranking no. 7 among coastal ports in China.More than 200,000 market players are bred and grown here,more than 100,000 college students study and start businesses here, and more than 50 million tourists linger here every year.Dongyi town, ocean park, forest park and other places have become the most popular places to visit.      
[Full of passion and energy]
       Rizhao is a city that advocates health and loves sports.It holds more than 1,000 sports events every year.Play Tai Chi in spring,hold water sports in summer,run marathon in autumn,hold gymnastics in winter,play tennis in four seasons,and play the game of go all year.In 2022,the 25th Shandong provincial sports meeting will be held here.This beautiful and vibrant city allows everyone who loves sports to find their own way to keep fit. First light of sunrise shine, here is destined to be a place of vibrant spurt and dream bloom.In recent years,we have listed "tourism enrich city" as one of the city's "five development strategies", to build the "sunshine coast, vitality Rizhao" city brand.
       Dear friends,beautiful Rizhao is waiting for you.Welcome to the sunshine coast, vibrant Rizhao and experience "there is a life called Rizhao".