【禹划九州 始有荆州】
       荆州是楚文化的发祥地,春秋战国时期,共有20位楚王连续定都荆州,长达411年。楚地先民“筚路蓝缕,以启山林”,创造了与古希腊文化相媲美的楚文化,造就了闻名中外的老庄哲学、楚辞歌赋、美术乐舞。荆州博物馆作为首批公布的国家一级博物馆,陈列展示有四代越王剑和吴王夫差矛、巧夺天工的精美玉器、号称“丝绸宝库”的马山战国丝绸,被誉为“地下书库”的楚汉简牍,精美绝伦,光彩依旧。真人、真马、真车 “天子驾六”殉葬礼仪的楚王车马阵,生动诠释了楚人 “问鼎中原”、“不服周”的豪迈霸气。
【闻听三国事  每欲到荆州】
       荆州是三国文化的汇集地,“刘备借荆州”、“吕蒙袭荆州”、“关羽守荆州”等脍炙人口的三国故事,流传千古。始建于三国时期的荆州古城墙,被誉为“中国南方不可多得的完璧”。关羽镇守荆州十年,其忠义仁勇的品德 千百年来为世人尊崇,被奉为“关帝”、“武圣”、“财神”;其帅府所在地关帝庙,是全球重要的关公纪念地,每年来祭拜关公的海内外游客络绎不绝。
【云水入荆湘 古来鱼鸟乡】
【文以载道 旅以致远】
       荆州是文旅融合发展的腾飞地,当前,荆州市委、市政府高度重视文化旅游业,将纪南文旅区作为文化旅游融合发展的主战场。厚重博大的楚王车马阵、亲子梦幻的方特东方神画、风光旖旎的园博园、时尚动感的海洋世界、放飞心灵的洪湖绿道、寄情山水的石首桃源、气势恢宏的楚国八百年城市公园 等一批项目落地开花。

       The ancient capital of Chu, Jingzhou of the Three Kingdoms.
       Hello everyone, I'm Tang Wei, Vice Mayor of Jingzhou People's Government. It's my great honor to introduce to you: Jingzhou, Hubei.
       Jingzhou, located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the south-central part of Hubei Province, located in the hinterland of the beautiful and rich Jianghan Plain, known as the "state of culture, the land of fish and rice", it is a riverside city with the combination of  ancient culture and modern civilization. It is appraised as the first batch of national historic and cultural city, China's excellent tourism city and  the most beautiful destination city in China.
[Delimit From Yu Kyushu, Beginning of Jingzhou]
       Jingzhou is the birthplace of Chu culture. During the Spring and Autumn Period, about 20 Chu kings have consecutively settled in Jingzhou for 411 years. Chu ancestors endured great hardships in pioneer work, created Chu culture which can be on a par with ancient Greek culture, brought up the famous philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, songs of Chu, art music and dance. Jingzhou museum as one of the first batch announcement national first-class museums, articles on display are four generations of King Yue sword and King Wu Fuchai spear, exquisite jade articles with skillful craftsmanship, Mashan warring states silk, known as “the treasure house of silk”, and bamboo slips of Chu and Han Dynasties, known as “ underground book store”, beautiful and still glorious. "The Emperor Drives Six" chariot and horses formation of King Chu’s funeral ceremony with real people, real horses and real cars, vividly illustrates the heroic spirit of Chu people who "won the Central Plains" and "refused to accept Zhou".
[Whenever Hear About The Three Kingdoms, Wants to Go to Jingzhou]
       Jingzhou is the gathering place of Three Kingdoms’ culture,
       “Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou”, “Lv Meng attacked Jingzhou”, “Guan Yu guarded Jingzhou” and other popular Three Kingdoms’ stories  which spread through the ages. Jingzhou ancient city wall built in the Three Kingdoms period is reputed as “ the rare undamaged wall of southern China”. Guan Yu guarded Jingzhou for 10 years, his loyal morality has been respected by people for thousands of years, and respected as  "Emperor Guan", "Battle Saint" and  "God of Wealth". The emperor Guan’s temple, where the commander mansion is located, is an important emperor Guan’s memorial place in the world, a large number of tourists from everywhere come to worship emperor Guan every year.
[Cloud And Water enter Jing Xiang, Fish and Bird’s Home Since Ancient Time]
       Jingzhou is an enrichment area of Jingjiang culture. Jingzhou is built by water and rivers, the ten kilometers’ long river crosses the territory of 483 kilometers, with numerous rivers and lakes. “ Honghu waters, wave upon wave”, a song of Honghu is known all over the world. The cranes and gulls live in the lake, directly show the fisherman's customs to the public. Songziweishui is the combination of mountain, water, cave, forest and spring, beautiful in environment, graceful in scenery. Shishou Swan Island has rich water resources and lush grasses, national natural reserves of elks and finless porpoises are what people yearning for.
[Writings Are for Conveying Truth, Travel is For Achieving Great Goals]
       Jingzhou is a rising place for the integration and development of culture and tourism, at present, Jingzhou municipal committee and government attach great importance to cultural tourism, regards Jinan cultural-tourist area as the main battlefield for the integration and development of cultural tourism. Dignified and broad King Chu's chariot-horse array, parent-child dreamy Fangte oriental painting, beautiful Expo Garden, modern and fancy sea world, leisurely Honghu green road, land of peach in Shishou which makes you abandon yourself to nature, extensive 800-year urban park of Chu and other projects are under development.
       Jingzhou has more and more attractions,tourism experience is becoming richer and richer. Jingzhou, stands on the new start point of the integration of cultural tourism, is using a new look and welcoming visitors from everywhere.  
       Friends, beautiful and open Jingzhou is waiting for you, simple and hospitable Jingzhou people are waiting for you. Here, on behalf of Jingzhou people, I sincerely invite you to come. Wish we could get together in Jingzhou, be there or be square!