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内蒙古自治区·太仆寺旗 草原白酒

     The unique natural environment of Taibus Banner creates the ecological conditions for wine making. Taibus Banner Prairie Liquorhas been making by pure grain products over 70 years.It use premium corn,sorghum as ingredients,it is brewed with high quality water.It has the unique quality of pure fragrance, mellow sweet and refreshing aftertaste.It is one of the top 100 liquor brands in China,Chinese well-known trademark,It has won the gold medal at Panama world expo.Autonomous region level technology Research and Development Center and the first academician workstation in liquor industry have entered Taipusi Banner.For liquor research and development, quality monitoring,They provide strong support.
       In recent years,we have actively adapted to the market demand,established quality traceability system,Taibus Banner Prairie Liquor has its own ID,It has become the liquor brand that the common people really drink.
       Pure grain brewing,builds a century old national brand.I am Bao Rifu,I recommend Taibus Banner Prairie Liquor.