     Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Xingji, mayor of Pingdu City, Shandong Province.I'm very glad to take you into the scenic northern Pingdu tourist area,Daze Mountain Scenic Spot.
     Daze mountain is known as famous mountain in East Shandong.There are steles of the Wei Dynasty in Tianzhu Mountain, which are regarded as the treasure of calligraphy origin,tomb tower forest of zhizang temple, one of the top ten pagodas in China.There are also many historic sites, such as Rizhaoan, Yuezhuci, Gongde stele forest, calligraphy Hutong, etc.It also left many excellent poems by scholars such as Kong Shangren, Liu Yong and Zheng Banqiao.It can be said that there are a lot of talents and ancient charm.
     Daze mountain surrounded by mountains, layers of green.There are more than 1000 species of woody and herbaceous plants.It's natural oxygen bar.Ziyang lake and Zeshan lake are inlaid with clear water which make the landscapes more vivid and complement each other.Daze mountain is located at 36 degrees golden latitude.It is a natural "cradle" for high-quality grape growth.It is known as Turpan in the West and Daze mountain in the East.You can taste more than 300 kinds of grapes such as rose fragrance and golden finger in Grape Grand View Garden.You can also taste ice grape wine.Last but not least, you can sleep at Xiangshan Panshitou B&B,experience the folk customs of Jiaodong countryside.
     This is landscape and pastoral, hometown of grapes.We are looking forward to exploring the scenery of Daze and sharing the pleasure with you!I am waiting for you!