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      古韵琅琊  辈出名圣先贤
      红色热土  奏响当代强音
      四色主线  擘画发展蓝图
A song is resounded at home and abroad, A river stretches through the ancient and modern times; A piece of favored land, nourishes the revolutionary heritage, and a mountain supports the backbone of Yimeng -This is Linyi.
Hello everyone, I am Wang Yinghai, the vice mayor of Linyi, Shandong. Today, It's my honor to lead you into Linyi!
Mengyi mountains and rivers, portray a magnificent picture
“Yimeng is praised by all of you, splendid and scenic views are available on Yimeng Mountain ", The majestic, majestic and lofty 400-kilometers Mengshan Mountains, featured with gurgling and flying springs & waterfalls, is interspersed with twittering and fragrance of flowers, is the “natural oxygen bar” and the “longevity mountain”, and was awarded as a World Geopark and a national 5A tourist attraction. The Yihe River gurgling for five thousand years, nurtures the offspring of Yimeng, and endows the Linyi the wonderful scenery of“six rivers are connected here, eight rivers surrounds the city”and“half city of rivers are scattered with one city of greens”. Daigu Landform, the miraculous and spectacular fifth largest geological landform , the underground grand canyon, is created by the nature, and the Tangtou hot spring silently flows over millennial duration. Moreover, ancient villages like Zhuquan Village, Zhujialin Village and Yayougou Village are hidden in the mountains and rivers, being simple and quiet, showing long-lasting ancient rhyme, and looking like a fictitious paradise.
Langya with ancient charm, gives birth to generation of well-known sages
Linyi, also known as Langya and Yimeng in ancient times, is an important birthplace of Dongyi culture. The history of Langya is greater than 3000 years, the culture here is brilliant and gorgeous, and talented people come out from generation to generation. In seventy-two great disciples taught by Confucius, Thirteen are Linyi talents. In twenty four filial piety stories, seven filial piety stories a wonderful examples for Linyi. In the long journey of history, Sun Wu, the master of war, Tseng-tzu, the pope of Confucian school, Zhuge Liang, the pope of brainpower, Hsün Tzu, pope of later generations Liu Hong, the master of calculation, Wang Xiang, the originator for filial piety, and Wang Xizhi, the maestro of calligraphy, Langya celebrities flares like stars. Sun Tzu's art of war and Sun Bin's art of war were simultaneously unearthed in Yinchishan Han Tomb, solving the mystery through the ages; Han painting stone and Hu-people riding on lions, witness the long history of cultural exchanges between China and the West in Linyi. Han-Jin Dynasties culture, Dongyi culture, revolutionary culture and contemporary culture coexist mutually, Calligraphy culture, strategics culture and filial piety culture are deeply rooted and boom, The extensive and splendid cultural resources have become the most charming and characteristic identifications of Linyi.
Revolutionary homeland, is playing the contemporary powerful theme
Linyi is a well-known regular revolutionary base in China, the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation have fought and worked here. In the revolutionary war, there were 4.2 million people in Yimeng base area, 1.2 million people supported the army and battlefront, 214,000 people voluntarily to join the army and take part in the fighting. “The son bowed farewell to his mother, the husband bid farewell to his life, and the last surviving son was sent to the battlefield”, the story of revolutionary sister-in-law, mother and six sisters from Yimeng are unprecedentedly moving; The Yimeng spirit that “the party and the masses are united, the army and the people are affectionately adhered in complete harmony and go through thick and thin together" as become the great spirit of the first g oupf Chinese Communists, rich connotation has become the spiritual guidance of Linyi people's officers and entrepreneurs and a powerful driver for the construction of new Linyi. 
Nowadays, Linyi, is moving at the forefront of the era with the new posture of a modern city. Over 100 wholesale markets are set up here, the commodities here cover all over China, and the goods here are exported to over 180 countries and regions; And 23 logistics parks are available,the routes loaded cover all the county-level cities or above in China, Linyi is access to all ports and ports in China; Linyi Mall, the largest market cluster in China, is built in Linyi, and the e-commerce live streaming industry chain with top transaction volume in China is available here, and Linyi is a well deserved and well-known market city and the pivot of trade and logistics. 
Four-color mainstream routes, are depicting the blueprint for development
Standing at a new starting point, Linyi is depicting a new blueprint for cultural and tourism development with four colors including the “red, green, blue and ancient colors”, that is “the green mainstream route is guided by the red mainstream route, the red mainstream route is reflected by the green mainstream route, and the red and green mainstream routes are connected to the blue mainstream route, ancient and modern routes mutually enhanced”. Extending from the revolutionary fertile homeland touched by Yimeng spirit to the lush greenness of lofty Mengshan Mountains, and expanding from the blue waterside town connected by six rivers to the shining cultural city of "Seven Great Men”... The four-route vision built by the“red route, green route, blue route and ancient route”will present you with an regular revolutionary base in a new era, It is not only red, and it will colorful; It is not only traditional, but also more fashionable and blooming, and it is moving towards the future.
Here, on behalf of the hospitable Yimeng people, I sincerely invite guys at home and abroad to meet in Linyi,
to seek the dream of the Yihe River together, chat Langya at nights, and feel the redness of Yimeng!
Revolutionary , affecting, and red Linyi, welcome!