       渤海湾潮平岸阔、水天一色,近百公里的海岸线上点缀着渔家村落、片片银帆;大运河253公里蜿蜒的河道,处处景色怡人、自然和谐。春来,千顷梨花迎风绽放;秋后,万亩金枣映日而红。漫步肃宁状元湖,亭榭掩映, 回廊曲折;登临运河清风楼,水墨丹青,茶香四溢;徜徉于南大港湿地,芦苇摇曳,百鸟啼鸣;踏浪在渤海新区金沙滩,白鸥碧海,静听潮起潮落。

       It embraces the canal,surrounded by the Bohai Sea, it is the birthplace of "seeking truth from facts", and where The Book of Songs was eulogized. This is my hometown Cangzhou, Hebei.Hello everyone,I'm Zhang Lianqing, Secretary of the Party group of Cangzhou culture, radio, television and Tourism Bureau, Today, I will lead you through ancient and modern times, enjoy this magnificent visual picture of Cangzhou together.
[This Painting,Profound Background,Long History.]
       In 1500,with the Confucian style of Qi and Lu, the generosity of Yan and Zhao, made the details and thickness of Cangzhou. The culture of Yangshao and Longshan,the story of Xu Fu sailing to the East, the reading sound of The Book of Songs, all have been passed down to this day. It's a place of outstanding people. Bian Que curing patients, Presenting Wang's loves collecting books Zhang Zhidong leads the Westernization Movement,Xun Huisheng starts another chapter of Peking Opera. Mao Heng, Mao Chang, Ji Xiaolan and Wang Meng inherit the Millennium context. The iron Wang Wu, Huo Yuanjia, Ma Benzhai build loyal soul. Wuqiao acrobatics is even more breathtaking, known as the "cradle of the world's acrobatic art".The world cultural heritage Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal flows here, the world's longest asymmetric stone arch bridge -- single bridge located here,Although Cangzhou iron lion, Hejian office,Nanpi stone King Kong have experienced many years,they still lasting charms,with long aftertaste.
[The Picture,Changed with Four Seasons, 
Shows  Different Sceneries.]
       Bohai Bay has the peaceful wave and broad bay,the sea and sky have the same color,hundreds of fishery villages are spotted alongside the shore,with the silver sail.The Grand Chanel of the 253 kilometers spiraling river,with the extraordinary beautiful scenes everywhere,natural and harmony.In the spring, thousand hectares of pear flowers blossom in the wind.In the autumn, thousand hectares of golden dates turn red because of the sunlight. Wondering around the Suning Zhuangyuan lake, pavilions set each other off to advantage,corridors twist around.Climb on the Qingfeng building of Grand Chanel,the color of Cinnabar and cyan-blue like a Chinese traditional painting, the smell of tea widespread.Walking around in the Nandaxiang wetland,reed flickered,hundreds of birds whistled.Trek along in the golden beach of Bohai Bay,there are white gulls flying over the blue sea,listen to the tide rises and falls.
[The Picture, Like a Piece of Luxury and Delicious Food, 
Leaving Us a Lingering Aftertaste.]
       There are a large number of different tastes, Mengpoqingdun, Yanshankowan, and the already world-known Wuqiaogongmian, but what you do not know is the exceptional refreshing and fragrant wine,one bite of Haixing drank crab,the Liuhe hotpot chicken,and a bowl of Xingji goat intestine soup. Cang County has both literature and martial art,there are four seasons and lingering food taste.Until the November 2019,the Grand Chanel Cultural Tourism Zone,Bohai Entertainment Holiday zone and alongside Xiongan ecology resting zone, totally receive more than two thousand and three hundred tourists both from home and abroad.Friends, you are welcomed in Cang County!To feel the river and sea hugged,the literature and martial arts in Cang County!