【历史悠久 文化灿烂】
【区位优越 富饶美丽】
       曹县位于鲁豫两省交界处,交通便利。雄商高铁、鲁南高铁、京九铁路在此建站设点;5条高速公路贯穿全境,10分钟上高速;30分钟可以到达菏泽牡丹机场。曹县沃野千里,资源丰富,是全国著名的林业大县、畜牧强县、粮食生产先进县,木材蓄积量600万方,年出栏生猪200万头,牛10万头,年产粮食30多亿斤,被评为全国超级产粮大县。这里水清城秀,在“绿水青山就是金山银山”的理念指引下,我们打造了32000亩的城市绿肺 —国家黄河故道湿地公园和万亩荷塘、7000余亩的天然氧吧 —八里湾风景区、1500余亩的环城水系 —伊尹公园,已经成为曹县耀眼的生态名片。
【产业集聚 优势突出】
       今天的曹县有林木加工及家具制造、医药化工、纺织服装、机电装备制造、食品加工、商贸物流六大主导产业。 特别是林木加工闻名全国,这里是全国著名的人造板生产基地、全国最大的桐木加工生产基地、出口创汇基地和集散中心,产品出口到世界50多个国家和地区,  先后被国家授予“中国柳编之乡”、“中国杨木加工之乡”、“中国泡桐加工之乡” 、“中国木艺之都”的荣誉称号,被评为“国家家居产业示范园区”。 曹县食品加工产业优势突出,被认定为“国家农业产业化示范基地”,评为 “三品一标”的农产品达到180多个。特别是我们的“曹县芦笋”闻名全国,荣获国家农产品地理标志认证,出口量占全国的70%以上。曹县橡胶产业发展迅速,各类汽车轮胎年产量达4000多万条,有全国唯一的橡胶防老剂 “RT培司”生产技术,荣获国家科技进步二等奖。
【开放创新 活力迸发】
      曹县是山东省第一人口大县、国家返乡创业工作试点县,有30余万人在外创业,每年都有上万曹县游子返乡创业。曹县人勤劳智慧、善于创新,这里是全国最早发展起来的“农村电商”县之一,已发展淘宝村124个、淘宝镇13个, 40多万人从事电商产业,成为全国第二的超大型淘宝村集群,是全国最大的演出服饰加工销售基地和木制品跨境电商产业带,先后被评为“全国全网销售百强县”、“中国十大农村电子商务典型县”。

       Millennium ancient town, beautiful Cao County. Hello, friends! I am Zhang Qianshan, secretary of Cao County Party Committee, Heze City, Shandong Province. I am glad to be here today to introduce my hometown Cao County and welcome to appreciate her historical charm and style with me.
[Long History and Splendid Culture]
       Cao County is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. In 1700 BC, Shang Tang, the founder of the Shang Dynasty, set capital here. Famous historical figures, such as Yi Yin, the sage of Yuan, Zhuang Zhou, the sage of Tao, Wu Qi, the sage of war, and Fan Shengzhi, the sage of agriculture have passed down through the ages. Cultural relics such as Tang tomb, Pan Geng tomb and Yi Yin tomb have been passed down from generation to generation. Cao County is also a famous revolutionary base, an important part of the Hebei, Shandong and Henan revolutionary border area. Cao County has been known as the "town of opera". It has given birth to famous artists such as Ma Jinfeng and Cui Lantian of Yu opera actresses.
[Superior Location   Rich and Beautiful]
       Cao County is located in the junction of Shandong and Henan provinces, transportation is very convenient. Xiongshang high-speed railway, Lunan high-speed railway and Jingjiu railway are set station here. There are 5 expressways running through the whole area, and it takes 10 minutes to get on the expressway. It can at Heze peony airport in 30 minutes.With thousand miles of fertile fields and rich resources,Cao County is a famous national forestry county,animal husbandry county and advanced grain production county. With a timber accumulation of 6 million square meters, an annual output of 2 million pigs, 100 thousand cows, annual grain output of more than 30 million jin, it was rated as the national super grain production county. The water is clear and county is beautiful here, under the guidance of the conviction that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”, we have built 32,000 mu of urban green lungs–national Yellow River wetland park and thousands mu of lotus pond, more than 7,000 mu of natural oxygen bar – Bali Bay scenic area, and more than 1,500 mu of water system around city - Yi Yin park, have become a dazzling ecological business card of Cao County.
[Industrial Agglomeration  Outstanding Advantage]
       Today, Cao County has six leading industries of forestry processing and furniture manufacturing, pharmaceutical and chemical engineering, textile and clothing, electromechanical equipment manufacturing, food processing, and trade logistics. In particular, the forest processing is well-known throughout the country. Here is the famous wood-based panel production base, the largest paulownia processing and production base, the export base and distribution center, and the products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions in the world.It has been awarded the title of “Chinese Town of Willow Weaving”,“Chinese Town of Poplar Processing”,“Chinese Town of Paulownia Processing”,“Chinese Town of Wood Art”, and was awarded “National Home Industry Demonstration Park”. Cao County's food processing industry has outstanding advantages and has been identified as the “National Agricultural Industrialization Demonstration Base”.More than 180 agricultural products have been rated as “three products and one indication”. Especially our “Cao County Asparagus” is well-known throughout the country and has won the certification of national agricultural products geographical indication.The export volume accounts for more than 70% of the country. Rubber industry in Cao County is developing rapidly, with the annual output of all kinds of automobile tires reaching more than 40 million pieces. It has the only rubber antiaging agent "RT" production technology, which won the second prize of national science and technology progress award.
[Open and Innovation  Full of Vitality]
       Cao County has the most population in Shandong Province and is the pilot county of returning home to start business. There are more than 300,000 people who start businesses outside the county. Every year, thousand people of Cao County return home to start business. People of Cao County are hardworking, intelligent and innovative. It is one of the earliest "rural e-commerce" counties in China, with 124 taobao villages and 13 taobao towns. More than 400,000 people are engaged in the e-commerce industry, and it has become the second super large taobao village cluster in China, the largest production and sales base of performance clothing and wood products cross-border e-commerce industry belt in China. It has been rated as “national top 100 network sales county” and “China top 10 rural e-commerce typical county”.
       Today's Cao County is firm and confident, open and inclusive, full of connotation and vitality. The future of Cao County is full of hope, broad prospects, dreams and potential. Here, on behalf of the 1.73 million hospitable people of Cao County, I sincerely welcome friends from all over the world to focus on Cao County, visit Cao County and invest in Cao County. We will write a brilliant chapter in the history of the millennium ancient town and beautiful Cao County.