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四川·高坪区 丝锦名邦 大美高坪

       高坪的丝绸,源自古安汉。早在西汉时期,这里的丝绸就已成为朝廷贡品;时至唐代,这里的红花绫被日本皇室奉为珍品;到了近代,民盟创始人张澜先生与留日归国实业家盛克勤先生共同创办的兴隆丝厂,曾是亚洲最大的缫丝企业,历经百年,已成为引领四川丝绸产业发展的龙头,被称为 中国丝绸工业 发展史的“活化石”。高坪的丝绸,享誉海内外。高坪是中国丝绸协会确定的丝绸之路发源地——“丝绸源点”,2016年,在这里举行了“丝绸源点”奠基仪式。这里有中国西部丝绸第一镇——都京镇,这里的丝纺企业先后获得“中国驰名商标”、“四川老字号”等荣誉,丝绸产品曾两度荣获巴拿马万国博览会金奖、远销欧美等30多个国家和地区,深厚独特的丝绸文化,已成为独树一帜的地域品牌。高坪的丝绸,扬帆正当时。丝绸元素,既是中国元素,更是世界元素。伴随新时代的号角,乘“一带一路”的东风,我们以建设世界丝绸文化旅游目的地为目标,大力培育产品体验、文化创意、生态休闲等新兴业态,不断做大产业、做强品牌,让千年传承的中国丝绸文化更加闪耀璀璨!
       舟行碧波上,人在画中游。嘉陵江自秦岭而下,把76公里最柔美的身段留给了高坪,这里拥有“千里嘉陵”最独特的风光,嘉水润之,群山养之,绘就了印象嘉陵绵延百里的美丽画卷。穿梭画廊,沿江而下,凤仪湾生态湿地公园风光旖旎,“鲤鱼跃龙门”传说的发祥地——龙门峡谷 惊涛奔腾,青墙黛瓦的龙门古镇 饱经沧桑,凌云山“四象”景观 浑然天成,金城山原始森林 光影斑驳,悠远高亢的嘉陵江船工号子成为千古绝唱,鹤鸣山北宋无量宝塔 晨钟幽幽,蜀中八柱之一的淳祐故城 遗址犹存,青居359度曲流 奇观天赐,被誉为“天下第一曲流”。每当夜幕降临、华灯初上,“印象嘉陵”水幕喷泉秀、楼宇灯光秀齐放光华,流光溢彩。来到这里,可以夜游嘉陵江,一定让您流连忘返。

       Here has the silk charm inherited for thousands of years, Here has the mountains and rivers of Jialing that nourish our history and future, Here is the origin of famous Fruit State, This is the millennium town in northern Sichuan: Sichuan, Gaoping. Gaoping is located in the northeast of the Sichuan Basin, east coast of Jialing River, Since the Han Dynasty set up Anhan County, it has a history of more than 2,200 years, with the reputation of “hometown of silk” and “hometown of citrus”. Hello everyone, I am Chen Duoping, District Governor of Gaoping District People's Government of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. It’s my great honor to recommend Gaoping to you all.
[The Origin of Silk]
       Gaoping's silk was originated from ancient Anhan. As early as in Western Han Dynasty, the silk here had become a tribute to the court, By the Tang Dynasty, the safflower damasks here were regarded as treasures by the Japanese Royal family, By modern times, the Xinglong Silk Factory started by Mr. Zhang Lan, founder of the democratic league and Mr. Sheng Keqin, an industrialist returning from Japan, was the largest silk reeling enterprise in Asia. Over hundreds of years, it has become the leader of the development of Sichuan silk industry, is called "living fossil" in the development history of Chinese silk industry. Gaoping’s silk is famous domestic and abroad. Gaoping is the birthplace of the Silk Road determined by the Chinese Silk Association: “Silk Source Point”, the founding ceremony of "Silk Source Point" was held here in 2016. Here has the first silk town in Western China: Dujing Town, the silk enterprises here have successively obtained "China's Famous Trademarks", "Sichuan Old Brand" and other reputation, silk products have twice won the gold medal of Panama World Fair, and exported to more than 30 countries and regions such as Europe and America.The special and thick silk culture has become an unique regional brand. Gaoping’s silk is setting sail at the right time. Silk element is not only a Chinese element, but also a world element. Following the horn of new era, taking the east wind of “one belt one road”, we take the construction of world silk cultural tourism destination as our goal, energetically cultivate product experience, cultural creativity, eco-leisure and other new industry format,continuously enlarging the industry and strengthening the brand, let the Chinese silk culture inherited for thousands of years shine more brilliantly!
[The Impression of Jialing]
       The boat is rowing on the green lake, the man on the boat seems to be travelling in the painting. Jialing River descends from Qinling Mountains, leaves the most beautiful figure of 76 kilometers to Gaoping, here has the most unique scenery of “ Thousand Miles of Jialing”, water of Jialing moistens it, mountains of Jialing support it, draws the beautiful picture of impression Jialing stretches for hundreds of miles. Crossing the gallery, down the river, Fengyi Bay ecological wetland park has an exquisite scenery, Longmen Canyon, the birthplace of the legend of "carp leaping over Longmen" with surging waves, the ancient town Longmen with green wall and black tiles have been through the vicissitudes of life, Lingyun Mountain "Four Sceneries" landscapes like nature itself, light and shadow of primary forest of Jincheng Mountain are mottled, distant and sonorous Jialing River,shipman's song has become a masterpiece for thousands of years, bell in the immeasurable pagoda of the Northern Song Dynasty in the Heming Mountain rings every morning, ruin of the Chunyou former city, one of the eight pillars in Shu is still available, the spectacle of Qingju 359 degree meandering stream is heaven-sent, known as "the world's first meandering stream". Whenever the night falls and the lights are lit up, "Impression Jialing" water curtain fountain show and building lighting show bright with shining colors. When you come here, you can visit Jialing River at night, and you will forget to return.
[The Origin of Fruit State]
       Tang Gaozu Li Yuan set Nanchong as fruit state, hence Nanchong is also named as“fruit city”, and Gaoping is reputed as “ the origin of fruit state”. Unique geographical environment and climatic conditions, make the citrus richly endowed by nature and widely known, the scale and yield of citrus in Manao Mountain once ranked the first in China, "Gaoping Sweet Orange" has been listed as "National Geographic Indication certification trademark". Every year when orange flower blossoms and oranges mature, "Orange Flower Festival" and "Fruit Picking Festival" held in Gaoping have unique charm, and has become a beautiful scenery. Trend of the times, vast and magnificent. In the strategic background of "One trunk, many branches and five districts cooperate", "Four-Directional Expansion and Global Opening-up" in Sichuan, on the journey of constructing Nanchong into Yu’s second city, striving to be the sub-center of Sichuan’s economy, Gaoping is making every effort to build “Urban Gateway, Airport Economy, Opening-Up” these three new highlands. Welcome to visit and invest in business, 600,000 hospitable people of Gaoping welcome you!