天上婺女星,地上婺州城。大家好,我是浙江省金华市婺城区委书记蔡艳,很荣幸在这里向您推介文化礼仪之邦、仙山婺水之都、物华天宝之地——浙江婺城。婺城地处 “浙江之心”, 是“一带一路”和长三角经济圈的重点城市,是浙江省第二大信息港和第四大都市区的核心区。这里是江南天堂,宜居名城。
       婺城建埠至今已有1800多年,是国家历史文化名城。自古以来,崇文重教,人文荟萃、 名贤辈出。这里是中国历史上最具思想活力的高峰之一。儒、释、道在这里交融激荡,孕育出了兼收并蓄的婺文化。丽泽书院是南宋四大书院之一,吕祖谦在北山论道,始创婺学,主张明理躬行,治史致用,与朱熹、陆九渊齐名;“北山四先生”传承儒学正统, 在宋元时期独占鳌头;文人墨客纷至沓来,沈约、李白、李清照、张志和、徐霞客等都在这里留下了脍炙人口的诗篇;近现代更是群星璀璨,黄宾虹、邵飘萍、艾青、陈望道、施光南等名字无不熠熠生辉。蜚声海内外的婺剧流传400多年,是国家级非物质文化遗产,曾多次进北京演出,受到毛泽东、周恩来等党和国家领导人接见。矗立在婺江边1000多年的唐代子城,沧桑的历史写遍了砖瓦碑刻、亭台楼阁。
       婺城是中国茶花之乡、中国桂花之乡、中国最大的杜鹃花产业基地,“花满婺城”四季如画。婺城是中国火腿之乡,所产火腿形似柳叶、色泽金黄,晶莹剔透,早在1915年就荣获巴拿马国际商品博览会金奖。婺城是佛手之乡,金佛手状如人手,是 “果中仙品,世间奇卉”,既可观赏、又可入药,被誉为中华一绝。婺城是婺窑之乡,拥有600多处古窑址,是中国古窑址最多的区域之一。古婺窑火历经千年不息,被茶圣陆羽收入《茶经》,评为天下茶碗第三。茶花是婺城的市花。一朵金茶花,千年幸福城。在中华民族伟大复兴的进程中,正奔跑在高质量建设“都市经济创新城”、“美好生活幸福城”,双城战略的奋斗道路上,非洲研究院在婺城架起了中非友谊的桥梁,婺城这朵美丽的金茶花正在浙江大地尽情绽放。在此,我代表76万婺城人民,诚邀海内外朋友,闻着花香来婺城,携手共创美好未来!

       There is Wunv star in heaven,Wuzhou city on earth.Hello everyone,I am Cai Yan, secretary of Wucheng district party committee, Jinhua city, Zhejiang province.It is my great honor to recommend the state of cultural etiquette,the city of water in fairyland,and the place with abundant resources -- Wucheng, Zhejiang. Located in the heart of Zhejiang, Wucheng is the key city of the “Belt and Road” and the economic circle of the Yangtze River Delta.It is the core area of the second largest information port and the fourth largest metropolitan area in Zhejiang Province.Here is a paradise in Jiangnan,a livable city.
[Wucheng Is A State Of Cultural Etiquette]
       Wucheng has been built for more than 1800 years and is a famous national historical and cultural city. Since ancient times,here worship culture and religion,has a profound culture and many talented people. Here is one of the most ideological peaks in Chinese history. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are mingle and flourish here and foster a eclectic culture. Lize academy is one of the four major academies in the Southern Song dynasty. Lv Zuqian talked about Taoism in the north mountain, and founded Wu, advocating follow the rule of things and do by self, study history to have effect and equal with Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan. “Four master of north mountain” inherited the orthodox Confucianism,lead in Song and Yuan dynasties.The literati came one after another, Shen Yue, Li Bai, Li Qingzhao, Zhang Zhihe, and Xu Xiake have left their poems here. Modern stars are bright, Huang Binhong, Shao Piaoping, Ai Qing, Chen Wangdao, Shi Guangnan and others are shining Wu opera, famous at home and abroad, has spread for more than 400 years, is a national intangible cultural heritage. It has been performed in Beijing many times and met by leaders such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. Zicheng, standing in Wujiang river for more than 1,000 years in the Tang  dynasty, vicissitudes of history written all over the brick inscriptions and pavilions.
[Wucheng Is A City Of Water In Fairyland]
       The Jinhua Mountain stretches across the land of Zhejiang Province, where the "fairy Huang" belief spreads, popular in southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, known as the "overseas Chinese fairy". Ye Shengtao's Shuanglong cave is one of the 36 Taoist caves. Cave wonders are world best. Jiufeng mountain has a long Zen charm. Dharma, the ancestor of Zen, Guanxiu of five generation have been practiced here. "Water reach to the south three thousand miles, air cover Jiangcheng fourteen states.” Wucheng has developed water system, as early as in the Eastern Han dynasty, Biaoji general Lu Wentai construct water conservancy here, Baisha 36 yan, known as the southern Dujiangyan, benefit people till now. Wucheng is a national forest city with fresh air and good water quality. It is known as "the city bathing with mineral water", and is an ideal place for health care. This is lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.
[Wucheng Is A Place With Abundant Resources]
       Wucheng is Chinese camellia town, Chinese osmanthus town, and the largest industrial base of azaleas in China. “Wucheng full of flower” and as picture all year. Wucheng is the hometown of ham in China. The ham is shaped like willow leaves, golden in color and crystal clear. It won the gold medal of Panama International Commodities Expo as early as 1915. Wucheng is the hometown of fingered citron. The golden fingered citron is like a human hand. It is "the fairy of fruit, rare flowers in the world". It can be view as well as used as medicine. It is known as Chinese unique. Wucheng is the hometown of Wu kiln, with more than 600 ancient kiln sites, it is one of the most ancient kiln sites in China. Kiln fire of ancient Wu burning thousands of years, listed in “the book of tea” and named the third tea bowl in the world. Camellia is the city flower of Wucheng. A golden camellia, millennium happiness city. In the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we are running on the road of high-quality construction of  Wucheng “urban economic innovation city” and “good life and happiness city” two city strategy, the African research institute has built a bridge of China-Africa friendship in wucheng, and the beautiful golden camellia is blooming in Zhejiang. Here, on behalf of 760,000 Wucheng people, I sincerely invite friends at home and abroad, come to Wucheng with floral Working together for a better future!