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河北·赤城县 京畿明珠 生态赤城

       各位朋友,大家好!我是河北省赤城县县委书记郭新耀。非常高兴在这里向朋友们推介京畿明珠、生态赤城。赤城县位于河北省西北部,与北京山水相依, 是国家级贫困县,首都水源涵养功能区和生态环境支撑区。总面积5287平方公里,总人口30万,县城距北京天安门直线距离110公里。
       赤城连接内蒙古高原和华北平原,自古以来是农耕民族和游牧民族的交融地,也是兵家必争之地。境内长城自燕国开始修建,历经唐、北魏、明等修缮重筑,蜿蜒绵亘700多华里。“筑墙云山外,胡马剑气寒,纵使多杀戮,不得过重关。” 2000多年来,这里留下了一段段烽火狼烟的边塞历史,演绎了一幕幕精忠报国的热血传奇。抗日战争时期,以海陀山为中心建立了平北抗日根据地,在这片土地上,平北军民对日作战数百次,歼敌2.3万人,为抗日战争的胜利做出了卓著的贡献,抒写了一段铭记史册的历史传奇。时事变迁,山河增色。今天的赤城已由古代的朔方屏障、边塞要冲,转变为京畿明珠、生态廊道,持续为北京植绿树、阻风沙、输净水、送清风,筑牢了首都生态安全屏障。

      Hello my friends! I'm Guo Xinyao, Secretary of the county committee of Chicheng County, Hebei Province. I’m very glad to introduce pearl of the capital city and its environs, ecological chicheng to all my friends. Chicheng County is located in the northwest of Hebei Province,next to Beijing, it is national poverty county, capital water conservation functional area And ecological environment supporting area. Total area is 5287 square kilometers, total population is 300000, linear distance between the county and Beijing Tiananmen is 110 kilometers.
[Chicheng, a Warm Blood and Loyal City]
       Chicheng connects Inner Mongolia Plateau and North China Plain, it has been a blend of farming and nomadic people since ancient times, it's also a place for strategists to fight for. The Great Wall in the territory has been built since the state of Yan, experienced repair and reconstruction in Tang, Northern Wei and Ming Dynasties, stretched for more than 700 li. “ Build a wall outside Yunshan, the sword of Hu’s army is cold and sharp, even they have killed a lot, they will not be allowed to pass the fortress.” Over 2000 years, several war histories of frontier fortress were left here, deduced many emotional patriotism allusions. In the Anti-Japanese period, use Haituoshan as the center, Pingbei Anti Japanese base area was established. On this land, Pingbei people and army have fought against Japanese hundreds of times, wiped out 23000 enemies, made outstanding contributions to the victory of the Anti Japanese War, wrote a remembered legend of history. Time has passed, mountains and rivers has been colored. Today’s Chicheng has turned from ancient Shuofang barrier, frontier fortress to pearl of the capital city and its environs, ecological corridor,  continuously plants trees for Beijing, blocks wind and sand, transports clean water, sends cool breeze, builds up the ecological security barrier of the capital.
[Chicheng, an Ecological Nature City]
       Chicheng’s mountains are magnificent. Chicheng is named after mountains, it has the unique landscape of “eight mountains, one water and one field”. There are 132 mountains higher than 1500 meters in the territory, 9 of them are well-known such as Mount Heilong, Mount Jinge and Mount Haituo. There are 72 ecological river valleys, each valley is a complete ecological system and typical native place of mountain and river. Chicheng’s water is beautiful. The total amount of water resources is more than 300 million cubic meters, black, white, red three rivers run through the whole country like the vein of leaves, finally to the Miyun reservoir of Beijing, occupies 53% of the incoming water volume, outbound water quality meets class II standard. It has the reputation of “one glass of water in Beijing, half comes from Chicheng”. Chicheng’s forests are dense. 63.87% of the county is covered by forests, 83.11% is covered by grass. Two national forest resources, Heilongshan National Forest Park and Dahaituo National Nature Reserve in the territory. Comprehensive index of air pollution, air quality level I days, PM2.5 mean value and other indicators are all at the best level around the capital. Chicheng’s spring is magic. “Don't look for dragon’s saliva in the East Sea, always think of the first spring outside Shanhaiguan. Take a bath here and get rid of the chronic disease, better than take thousands of immortal pills”. This is Chicheng’s spring which is reputated as “ the best spring outside Shanhaiguan”. There are six spring eyes, general spring, stomach spring, eye spring, ping spring, tracheitis spring and cold spring. There are more than 30 chemicals, trace and radioactive elements in the spring water. It is listed as the second place in the “record of famous springs in China”, second only to Beijing Spring Yu. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty took his grandmother, empress Xiaozhuang, stayed here for more than 50 days to bathe and cured rheumatism.
[Chicheng, a City Full of Hope]
       Chicheng in the era, is under the guidance of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the strategy of rural revitalization, strive to complete the three historical tasks of preparing for the Winter Olympic Games, poverty alleviation and the construction of the "two districts" of the capital, solidly do three articles on industrial transformation, functional acceptance, and ecological security. Accelerating the six major advances in poverty alleviation, industrial cultivation, urban and rural construction, ecological construction, service environment, and grassroots governance. Strive to build Beijing North Vegetable Garden, Back Garden, Science and Technology Park, firmly follow the road of “green development, ecologically strong county”. Here, we sincerely invite you to come to Chicheng for sightseeing, vacation, promote business and get win-win future. Mountains, water, forests, springs, meet you in Chicheng!