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吉林·长白县 醉美边城 灵秀长白

       大家好,我是吉林省白山市长白朝鲜族自治县委书记宋钦炜,非常高兴带领大家走进这座镶嵌在白山绿水之间的边陲明珠—长白,一起感受“醉美边城、 灵秀长白”的魅力。 
       “逐水而居”是人类生存的本能。发源于长白山南麓的鸭绿江因水色如鸭头而得名,位于鸭绿江源头的长白县,早在4000多年前就有人类繁衍生息。千百年来,古老而神秘的鸭绿江,如“母亲”般滋养和哺育着长白人民。到了近代,关东移民充分利用森林资源和鸭绿江水,以伐木“放排”为生,现在还能在鸭绿江上看到朝鲜人,使用木排运输木材。当时的“木把”(伐木及放排工人)溯鸭绿江北岸自下而上,为较大支流共命名了二十四条山沟,部分山沟逐渐形成村落,山沟村名沿用至今。 美丽温柔的鸭绿江孕育了长白深厚的文化底蕴,相继出土了黑曜石器具、蔺相如青铜戈等大量珍贵文物,还有屹立千年的唐朝渤海国时期的灵光古塔,这些都是长白大地辉煌历史的最好印证。历经岁月的积淀,长白成为了多文化的共生之地,鸭绿江文化、长白山文化、唐渤海文化、朝鲜族文化、关东文化在这里相聚相织,繁荣发展。
       长白因背倚长白山而得名,境内高山林立,东北三省前10座高峰有7座位于长白。这里生态环境优良,森林覆盖率高达92%,自然保护区总面积3.3万公顷, 连续三年荣登“全国百佳深呼吸小城”榜首,是“美丽中国·深呼吸第一城”。 “山光水色风物好,诗情画意逼人来”。长白是一个处处皆景、四季怡人的全域旅游目的地。春到长白看花,夏到长白观景,秋到长白赏叶,冬到长白娱雪。这里有驰名中外的长白山南坡、望天鹅景区,这里有缤纷烂漫的高山草原、 金达莱花海,这里有一路观两国、十里不同景的鸭绿江风光,这里还有宛如童话的冰瀑雾凇、林海雪原。四季美景让人叹为观止、流连忘返,更是生态观光、休闲度假、健康养生、冰雪娱乐的打卡胜地。
       长白与朝鲜两江道“一市五郡”隔江相望,县城与对面的两江道首府惠山市,构成了“一城两国”的独特画面。作为中朝合作交流的前沿窗口,长白口岸在中朝陆路口岸中,客货流量位居吉林省前列, 每年从长白赴朝观赏异域风情的游客,更是络绎不绝。长白作为全国唯一的朝鲜族自治县,朝鲜族文化气息极其浓厚。果园民俗村、望天鹅新村等朝鲜族村寨特色鲜明、风情浓郁;摔跤、跳板、荡秋千等朝鲜族体育活动丰富多彩、精彩纷呈;大型朝鲜族歌舞剧《灵秀长白》 美轮美奂、绚丽多姿;辣白菜、冷面、打糕等特色美食香飘四溢、众口可调,独具魅力的朝鲜族风情吸引着大量游客慕名而来。长白是一片有温度、有情怀的钟灵毓秀之地,也是一座有活力、有梦想的宜居宜业之城。勤劳质朴、热情好客的长白人民,诚挚欢迎您到长白旅游度假、投资兴业, 同饮一江水,共叙长白情!

       Hello everyone,I am Song Qinwei,  secretary of Changbai Korean autonomous county party committee, Baishan city, Jilin province. I am very glad to lead you into Changbai, the border pearl inset in the white mountain and green water, and feel the charm of "beautiful border city, scenery Changbai".
[Changbai-- Prosper By water]
       "To live by water" is the instinct of human survival. The Yalu river originated at the southern foot of the Changbai mountains named for its water color like a duck's head. Changbai county located in the source of the Yalu River. It were human beings as early as 4,000 years ago. For thousands of years, the ancient and mysterious Yalu river,nourishing and feeding the Changbai people like a "mother". In modern times, the kanto immigrants made full use of the forest resources and the water of the Yalu river to make a living by logging and "rafting". Now, north koreans can still be seen on the Yalu river, using wooden rafts to transport timber. At that time, "muba" (logging  and rafting workers) traced the north bank of the Yalu river from the bottom up and named a total of 24 ravines for the larger tributaries. Some of the ravines gradually formed villages. The name of the ravines are still in use today. The beautiful and gentle Yalu river gives birth to Changbai's profound cultural deposits. A large number of precious cultural relics such as obsidian tools and Lin Xiangru's bronze Ge have been unearthed successively, as well as the Lingguang ancient temples of Bohai country, Tang dynasty, these are the best proof of glorious history of Changbai. After years of accumulation, Changbai has become a place of multi-culture symbiosis, where Yalu river culture, Changbai mountain culture, Tang Bohai culture, Korean culture and kanto culture gather and weave together and flourish.
[Changbai: Named After Mountain]
       Changbai is named after the reclining of Changbai mountain. There are many high mountains in the territory. Seven of the top 10 peaks in the three northeastern provinces are located in Changbai. With an excellent ecological environment, the forest coverage rate is as high as 92%, and the total area of nature reserves is 33,000 hectares. Changbai has ranked first in "national top 100 deep breathing cities" for three consecutive years. It is "beautiful China , the best deep breathing city ".  "The scenery is beautiful, poetic and picturesque which make people coming". Changbai is a global tourist destination with beautiful scenery everywhere and pleasant four seasons. Come to changbai to see flowers in spring, view scenery in summer, appreciate leaf in autumn and enjoy snow in winter. There have the famous Changbai mountain south slope, Wangtian’e scenic area.There have colorful brilliant alpine grassland, Jindalai flower sea. There have view two countries along the way, ten miles different scenery of the Yalu river scenery. There also have ice waterfall rime, tracks in the snowy forest like a fairy tale. The beauty scenery of the four seasons is amazing and lingering. It is also a card resort for ecological sightseeing, leisure vacation, health care and ice and snow entertainment.
[ Changbai--Prosperous Depending On Border]
       Changbai and Ryanggang "one city five counties" of North Korea are across the river. The county and the opposite Hyesan city, capital of Ryanggang, constitute a unique picture of "one city two countries". As a frontier window of cooperation and exchange between China and the North Korea, At the Chinese and North Korean land ports, Changbai passenger and cargo flow ranks the forefront of Jilin province. The tourists from Changbai to the North Korea every year to see the exotic customs are even more endless. As the only national Korean autonomous county, Changbai has a strong Korean culture atmosphere. Korean villages like orchard folk village, Wangtian’e new village with distinctive features and strong customs. Wrestling, springboard, swing and other Korean sports activities have rich variety and colorful. The large-scale Korean folk song and dance drama, “Scenery Changbai” is magnificent and colorful. Spicy cabbage, cold noodles, cake and other characteristics of food full of flavors and fragrances.Unique charm of the Korean ethnic customs attracted a large number of tourists.Changbai is a elegant and graceful place with temperature and feelings. It is also a livable and business city of vitality and dream.The hardworking, plain and hospitable people of Changbai sincerely welcome you to Changbai for vacation, investment and development.Drink the same water and share Changbai feelings!