       千年古县南郑,有着厚重的历史文化。公元前451年,秦左庶长筑城南郑,已有2400多年的历史。境内的龙岗寺遗址,距今120万年,被誉为亚洲三大旧石器遗址之一,具有极高的科考价值。南郑人杰地灵,何挺颖、左明、 等一批革命先烈,在这里留下了光辉足迹;地方传统戏剧“汉调桄桄”等非物质文化遗产特色鲜明。
       南郑有着丰富的旅游资源,享有“山水南郑·诗画家园”的美誉,已建成国家级旅游景区6个。这里有全世界最大的原始“天坑群”, 溶洞、天坑、峡谷等地质遗迹随处可见。黎坪国家森林公园林海莽莽、奇峰飞瀑,具有典型喀斯特地貌的中华龙山,沟壑纵横、令人震撼;龙头山景区山势峥嵘、云雾锁峰,滑雪场、狩猎场引人入胜;南湖、红寺湖景区碧波盈盈、水天一色,尽显陕南灵秀的水韵山色。阳春三月,30万亩油菜花竞相绽放,美轮美奂,是汉中最美油菜花海的核心观赏区。
       Nanzheng is my hometown is located in the historical and cultural city of China — Hanzhong city, Shaanxi province. It is the north side of Hanjiang River and south of Ba mountain(Ban shan Mountain). It is a beautiful place where mountains and rivers blend together and picturesque. Hello everyone! I am Cao Junqiang, the district mayor of Nanzheng district, Hanzhong city. Today, let me lead you into landscape Nanzheng, poetry homeland!
[Humanity Nanzheng]
       Nanzheng is a county a thousand-year old history, which has a rich history and culture. In 451 BC, Zuo Shuchang of Qin dynasty built Nanzheng, and has a history of more than 2,400 years. The site of Longgang Temple in the territory, which is 1.2 million years ago, is regarded as one of the three oldest stone ruins in Asia and has high scientific value. Nanzheng full of outstanding people, revolutionary martyrs such as He Tingying, Zuo Ming left their glorious footprint here. The intangible cultural heritage such as the local traditional drama “HanDiao Guang Guang” has distinctive features.
[Ecological Nanzheng]
       Nanzheng has a good ecological environment, warm and moist climate, abundant water, it is the most suitable area for Chinese medicine,tabacoo. It is the highest latitude of Chinese tea production area. Nanzheng has a long history of tea, It is a national key county to produce tea 300 years old of 10,000 mu of ancient tea trees in the territory are rare in the country. “Ganlongdong tea” is famous all over the world as tribute tea as early as in Ming and Qing dynasties. It has 300,000 mu of tea garden, which produces green tea,black tea,dark green tea,and other kinds of tea products forming an industrial system of tea production, tea garden sightseeing, leisure vacation and so on.
[Charming Nanzheng]
       Nanzheng is rich in tourism resources and enjoys the reputation of “Landscape Nanzheng” poetry homeland”. It has built 6 state-level tourist attractions. There have the world's largest primitive “Tiankeng group”, karst caves, Tiankeng, canyons and other geological relics can be seen everywhere. Liping national forest park has vast forests, strange peaks and waterfalls. Zhonghualong mountain, with the typical karst landform, is ravines and stunning. Longtou mountain scenic area are lofty and steep, cloud lock peak, ski resort, hunting ground are fascinating. South lake, Hongsi lake scenic area with blue wave, water and sky merge in one color.Show the southern Shaanxi scenery charm of water and mountain. In march, 300,000 mu of rapeseed flowers are fully blooming, very beautiful which is the core viewing area of Hanzhong's most beautiful rapeseed flower sea.
       Nanzheng is a rapidly rising charming new area,which is traversed by Beijing kunning highway, szechwan-Shaanxi highway and  Xi’an-Chengdu high-speed railway. With a relatively complete industrial system and great potential for urban development, it is a good place to live and work, and a fertile land for investment and development. Here, on behalf of the 580,000 hospitable people of Nanzheng, I sincerely welcome you to Nanzheng for sightseeing, investment and business development, experience the beauty of the Han river and the new charm of the ancient city.