       “桂林三宝”之一的桂林三花酒,是中国米香型白酒的代表,采用漓江象鼻山底深潭涌出的地下泉水古法酿造,质地纯甘,品味醇厚,洞藏于桂林城徽象鼻山内,古称“瑞露”。自宋朝酿造,已有一千多年的历史。摇动酒瓶,泛起晶莹如珠的酒花,入坛堆花,入瓶堆花,入杯也堆花,故名“三花酒”。 “蜜香清雅,入口柔绵,落口爽冽,回味怡畅”,三花酒凝露一城桂花的清香,是历代文人雅士曲水流觞、诗酒唱和的美酒佳酿,早在1992年就获得了国际博览会金奖。

Xiangshan Shuiyue brew, wine floating clouds. Today, I would like to introduce one of China's geographical indication products, time-honored brand in China, guilin Sanhua Wine.
Guilin Sanhua wine, one of the "three treasures of Guilin", is the representative of Rice-flavor liquor in China. the deep pool at the bottom of Xiangbi Mountain on the Lijiang River, brewed with the ancient method of underground spring water with pure sweet texture and mellow taste. The hole is hidden in Xiangbi Mountain, the city emblem of Guilin, is called "Ruilu". Brewing since the Song Dynasty has a history of more than 1,000 years. Shake the bottle, glittering and translucent hop like beads, into the altar pile of flowers, into the bottle pile of flowers, into the cup pile of flowers, so the name "three flower wine". Sweet and elegant soft entrance, cool fall mouth pleasant after taste. Sanhua wine condensed the fragrance of a city osmanthus flowers, is the ancient literati song water flowing wine, poetry wine singing wine wine, as early as 1992 won the gold medal of the international expo.
Pour a cup of Sanhua wine, fragrant city, drink a cup of Sanhua wine, le Manjiang. I'm Jiang Weiming, I'd like to introduce Guilin Sanhua wine.