“心如铁石总温柔,玉骨姗姗几世修。 漫咏罗浮证仙迹,梅花端的种梅州”。大家好!我是广东省梅州市市长张爱军。我刚才朗诵的是叶剑英元帅描写梅州梅花的一首诗。梅州,以梅得名,梅花盛景,绽放千年,是一座美丽山水城市。今天我给大家带来了“世界客都”“长寿之乡”和“最美山水”三张名片。
       梅州地处广东省东北部,是全球最有代表性的客家人聚居地,被誉为“世界客都”。 两千多年来,客家人历经5次大迁徙,从中原地区来到梅州,中原传统文化在这里开枝散叶、发扬光大, 是国家历史文化名城。梅州崇文重教,是一座群英堂,孕育了共和国元帅叶剑英、清末外交家和诗人黄遵宪、张裕葡萄酒创始人张弼士、中国美术学院创始人艺术家林风眠、世界球王李惠堂、大慈善家田家炳、被国家授予“改革先锋”的“领带大王”曾宪梓  等一大批光耀中华、名扬海外的名人贤士。梅州是知名的华侨之乡,客家人从松口古镇远下南洋、衍播四海, 目前海外的梅州客籍华侨有700多万人,联合国教科文组织在松口镇建立了中国唯一的移民纪念广场。 
       梅州是中国知名的长寿之乡。430万常住人口中,百岁老人达到473人,98岁以上的老人达到1145人,目前健在的最长寿老人115岁。8个县(市、区)中,蕉岭、大埔是“世界长寿乡”, 丰顺、梅县是“中国长寿之乡”。 梅州的长寿密码,藏在良好的生态环境里,与好山好水好空气好土壤有关,与健康美味的客家菜有关,与长寿元素“硒”的摄入量密切相关。我们全市52.3%的土地属富硒土壤区域,土壤硒含量是国家富硒标准的1.75倍。长寿还源于群众的宜居生活,梅州群众安全感连续多年居广东省前列,多次获评中国最具幸福感城市、全国创新社会治理优秀城市,已经成为广东最适宜居住的福地之一。
       梅州是一片绿意盎然、景色宜人的土地。这里青山环抱、绿水绕城,莲花山脉、凤凰山脉、武夷山脉三山耸峙梅江、汀江、梅潭河三江汇流, 韩江入选全国10条“最美家乡河”,全市自然保护区50个、森林公园158个,森林覆盖率达到75.06%、居广东第一,空气和水体质量均居全省全列。这里处处皆景,游人如织。全市3A级以上景区33个,居广东省第二位,每年接待游客量达到4600多万。风光秀美的阴那山、五指石、铜鼓峰、神光山,蜿蜒流淌的琴江、松溪河等, 构成了一幅幅美丽的山水画卷。这里也是一首田园诗,上万座风格形态各异的围龙屋和数以千计的古镇古村落, 星罗棋布散落在醉美田园,传承了天人合一、自然和谐的崇高追求,真正体现了“望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁”。
       山水梅州,无处不美,无处不靓。正如南宋著名诗人杨万里所赞叹: “一路谁栽十里梅,下临溪水恰齐开,此行便是无官事,只为梅花也合来。“世界客都·长寿梅州”欢迎您! 

       The heart like iron stone is always tender, the petal seems to be shape by many years.chant Luofu prove immortal trace, the plum planted in Meizhou.Hello everyone!I am Zhang Aijun, Mayor of Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. What I just recited is a poem by Marshal Ye Jianying describing Meizhou Plum. Meizhou named after plum, the scenery of plum bloom for thousand years, which is a beautiful landscape city. Today, I brought you three business cards: “World City of Hakka”,“Longevity Town” and “The Most Beautiful Landscape”.
[World City of Hakka]
       Located in the northeastern part of Guangdong Province and is the most representative Hakka community in the world, Meizhou is honored as the “world city of Hakka”. Over the past two thousand years, the Hakkas have gone through five major migrations came to Meizhou from central plain. The traditional culture of the central plains is spread and flourished here. It is a national historical and cultural city.Meizhou advocate culture and appreciate education,is a hall of heroes, which gave birth to the Republic Marshal Ye Jianying, Huang Zunxian, diplomat and poet of the late Qing Dynasty, founder of ZhangYu wine Zhang Bishi, artist Lin Fengmian,founder of the China Academy of Art, the world ball king Li Huitang, the great philanthropist Tian Jiabing, "tie king" Zeng Xianzi, awarded "the pioneer of reform" by the state and a large number of famous celebrities and magnates who shine in China and overseas. Meizhou is a well-known hometown of overseas Chinese. The Hakkas have moved from Songkou ancient town to Nanyang and spread the four seas.At present, there are more than 7 million overseas Chinese in meizhou, UNESCO has established China's only immigrant memorial plaza in Songkou Town.
[Longevity Town]
       Meizhou is a well-known hometown of longevity in China. Among the 4.3 million permanent residents,there are 473 centenarians and 1,145 people over the age of 98.The oldest living person is 115 years old. Among the 8 counties (cities and districts), Jiaoling and Dapu are “the world's longevity town”, and Fengshun and Meixian are “China’s longevity town”.The longevity code of Meizhou is hidden in a good ecological environment, which is related to good mountains, water, air and soil, healthy and delicious Hakka dishes, and the intake of longevity element selenium. 52.3% of the land in our city belongs to the selenium-enriched soil area,and the selenium content of the soil is 1.75 times of the national standard for selenium-enriched.Longevity also stems from the livable life of the masses.The Meizhou people’s sense of security have ranked first in Guangdong Province for many years,and have been rated as China's happiest city and a national excellent city for innovation and social governance for many times. Meizhou has become one of the most livable places in Guangdong.
[The Most Beautiful Landscape]
       Meizhou is a green and pleasant land.Here, the green hills and water surround the city, Lianhua Mountains, Fenghuang Mountains and Wuyi Mountains stand toweringly.the Meijiang River, the Tingjiang River and the Meitan River converge. Hanjiang is selected as one of the 10 “most beautiful hometown rivers” in the country.There are 50 nature reserves and 158 forest parks in the city.The forest coverage rate reached 75.06%, ranking first in Guangdong, and the air and water quality were all front rank in the province. Everywhere is scenery and full of visitors here. There are 33 scenic spots above 3A-level in the city,ranking second place in Guangdong Province,with more than 46 million visitors each year.The beautiful scenery of Yinna Mountain, Wuzhi Stone, Tonggu Peak, Shenguang Mountain,and the flowing Qinjiang River and Songxi River constitute beautiful landscape paintings.It is also an idyllic poem.Thousands of different styles of Weilong houses and ancient villages in ancient towns, are scattered in the beautiful countryside, inheriting the lofty pursuit of integration of man and nature and natural harmony. Which truly embodies "seeing mountains, seeing water and remembering homesickness".
       Landscape Meizhou,everywhere is beautiful. As Yang wanli, a famous poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, said:"who planted miles of plum all the way,just open next to stream,if no official matter this trip, ”just for the plum blossom is ok." Welcome to " World City of Hakka  Longevity Meizhou " !