【临江 英雄之城】
【临江 生态之城】
       临江是全国重点林区和25个国家重点生态功能区的市县之一,森林覆盖率达86.69%,素有“天然氧吧、养生福地”的美誉,是著名的中国深呼吸小城10佳示范城市、中国长寿之乡。我们拥有野生动植物1250多种,是地球同一纬度带上原始状态最好、生态物种最多、生物链最完整、最具代表性的自然资源立体宝库。走进临江国家森林公园,苍松翠柏、悬泉飞瀑映入眼帘,中华秋沙鸭等珍禽候鸟、稀有动物和谐相处,人参、贝母等名贵药材、珍稀植物应有尽有,处处彰显着国家级自然保护区、 “中国高山红景天之乡”、“国家北药基地”的博大雄浑。
【临江 魅力之城】
       随着鸭绿江500公里开发开放经济带的建设,临江正成为令人向往的山水画卷、人间天堂。奇异的自然景观,使临江成为了最佳外景地,《五朵金花》《林海雪原》《神秘的旅伴》等30多部影片,在临江取景拍摄, 花山、溪谷、珍珠门,一个个充满诗意的名字和大自然的鬼斧神工,随着电影镜头生成画面,演绎成故事。临江的山川之美、江河之秀,吸引着越来越多人的目光。借得山川秀, 添来景物新。 我们灿烂的文化、丰富的资源、淳朴的民风,还有极大的发展潜力,都值得您前来体验。最后,真诚地欢迎大家来感受临江的秀美!

       Near the Yalu River at the foothill of Changbai Mountains, there is a beautiful city – Linjiang. As the Mayer here, today, I am proud to introduce you three name cards. Hello, I am Luan Guohua. Next I will take you on a journey to feel her charms.
       Linjiang has a long history dating back to Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The oldest Su Shen nationality from the northeast left their earliest footprint here. In the modern times, confronting the invaders, Linjiang people have experienced an indomitable battle. Songs of the heroic epics were written down. The snowy forest witnessed the indomitable spirit of Chinese people. The Northeast Anti-Japanese United Forces were in a fierce battle for protecting homes and the country. Chen Yun, Xiao Jingguang, Xiao Hua and other older generation of proletarian revolutionists have directed the famous “Four Time Protection in Linjiang” battle. There are numerous people devoted lives and all they can contribute to Linjiang. An invaluable spirit from the “Four Time Protection of Linjiang”has rise.  This spirit has become the strong motivation of Linjiang people to build a better life. 
       Linjiang is the National Key Forest District and one of 25 National Key Eco-Functional Areas. The forest coverage rate is 86.69%. It is so called “the natural oxygen bar and the happy place of well-being”. It is a famous China’s Deep-breathing Town and the Top Ten Demonstration City. It is the land of longevity in China. We possess wild animals and plants for more than 1250 species. It is the most well-maintained primitive place comparing to other cities of the same latitude on earth. Having the most diverse ecological species, Having the most complete biological chain. Having the most representational natural resource 3-dimentional treasury. Walking in the Linjiang National Forest Park, Green pines, verdant cypresses and overhanging waterfall come into view. Chinese Merganser, other rare animals and migratory birds have lived together harmoniously. Rare medical herbs such as ginseng, fritillary and treasured plants are all you can find here. It shows the magnificence of the Natural Reserve,  the“hometown of rhodiola cretinii in China” and the “National North Pharmaceutical Base”.
       Linjiang is close to Changbai Mountains embracing Yalu River. The tourism resources are incomparable which looks like a picturesque Songling Snow Village. Ancient road and courier station with ancient tall trees. The maple trees on the mountains in red. The fascinating Jinyin Gorge. Became the support and icon of the tourism industry in Linjiang. Ranges of hills on Changbai Mountains. The flourishing woods. The white snow gleams. It cannot be more beautiful. The riverside of Yalu River on the China-North Korea border is so beautiful. It is reputed to be the landscape corridor near the Yalu River.
       Along with the construction of 500 miles of the Development and Opening-up Economic District along the Yalu River, Linjiang has become an exciting landscape painting and the paradise on earth. The strange natural landscape makes Linjiang the best shooting location.  Five Golden Flowers, Tracks in the Snowy Forest, Mysterious Travelling Companio and more than 30 movies were shot in Linjiang. Huashan, Xigu,Zhenzhumen, Numbers of poetic names and the natural uncanny workmanship
Becoming the scenes in the movie and being illustrated as stories. The beauty of the mountains in Linjiang and the elegance of rivers have attracted eyes from many people. Relying on the elegance of mountains, the addition of sceneries. Our glorious culture. Abundant resources, Simplistic folk customs, They also have large development potentials. They are all worthwhile for you to experience. Lastly, I am sincerely inviting you to experience the beauty of Linjiang.