      全市共有汉、蒙古、藏、回等26个民族。多年来,形成了独具魅力的 “农垦文化”,打造了国家级柯鲁柯农垦文化风情小镇。充分展现了建国初期知青和支边的“农垦人”在极其艰苦的条件下,自力更生、艰苦奋斗的工作和生活场景。

Delingha located in the middle of Qinghai Province, is an important post station of the famous south "Silk Road", an ancient Qiang dependency and a snow mountain pasture in history.
There are 26 ethnic groups in the city, including Han, Mongolia, Zang and Hui. Over the years, it has formed a unique "Agricultural Reclamation Culture", created a national corucco farming culture town, fully demonstrating the work and life scenes of educated youth and "Agricultural Reclamation People"supporting the border in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China under extremely difficult conditions.
Delingha is a multi-ethnic community with multi-cultural intersection. Over the years, all ethnic groups have held together like pomegranate seeds, worked together, prospered and developed.