      【南宗山水  文人画顶流】——元倪瓒《苔痕树影图》
      中国古代十大画家当中,无锡就占了三位,分别是顾恺之、倪云林、王紱。作为“元四家”之一,倪云林对明清以来的山水画影响极大。因为他性格清高,个性迂癖,惜墨如金, 所以现在存世的作品数量也很少。这幅《苔痕树影图》是倪云林去世前两年的作品,国家一级文物。画中绘有枯树两株、青石一块、修竹数丛,左上角他也亲笔题诗一首,书法古淡天真,笔墨技巧真的已经达到了炉火纯青的地步。
      【锡博英才  吴风传承】——融古汇今,焕发文物活力
Graceful culture echoes down the historic city, aromatic calligraphy is immersed with the Wu style. Wuxi,“the Pearl of Taihu Lake”in China. Boasts the Wuxi Museum, a local comprehensive museum guarding the city’s cultural treasures.

The number of various cultural relics is over 34,000 in our museum, including calligraphy and painting works, purple sand, pottery, jade pieces and so on. There are more than 5,000 calligraphy and painting collections, which feature calligraphy of the past dynasties, old collections of calligraphy and painting housed in the Qing Palace, and those donated by the prestigious families and artists of Wuxi.

[A divine work of calligraphy achieved because of eating]——Yang Ningshi’s Leek Flower Post in running script of the Five Dynasties

A museum is a materialized history of regional civilization development. As a national first-class museum, every piece of cultural relics in Wuxi Museum’s collection is unique and irreplaceable. Among them, the Leek Flower Post that occupies a higher position in calligraphy history has become immortal.

Our Wuxi Museum houses a running script of Leek Flower Post by Yang Ningshi, a famous calligrapher in the Five Dynasties. In ancient times, there was a saying of“Top Ten Running Scripts”. For sure, the top one is The Orchid Pavilion, while Leek Flower Post ranks the fifth. This post recounts the story of the calligrapher who got up from his nap and was hungry. Just then, his friend brought him leek flower sauce and tender lamb. After eating it, the calligrapher wrote a letter to express his gratitude to his friend. The entire work can be acclaimed as a master piece, with its spontaneous and free strokes, sometimes in running script and sometimes in regular script, sometimes of retracting and sometimes of releasing styles in a measured manner in the history of calligraphy.

[Southern Landscape, Top of the Literati Painting]——Moss Traces and Tree Shadows by Ni Zan in the Yuan Dynasty

Wuxi Museum has always been committed to protecting cultural relics and inheriting historical culture as its responsibility and mission. It is through the perseverance and dedication of generations of people that we have attained rich collections at present. One of our hard-won important collection, the painting of Moss Traces and Tree Shadows has become the top treasure of the museum.

Among the top ten painters of ancient China, three were from Wuxi, namely Gu Kaizhi, Ni Yunlin and Wang Fu respectively. As one of the“four famous artists in the Yuan Dynasty”, Ni Yunlin has a huge influence on landscape paintings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Because of Ni’s lofty character, pedantic personality, and his abstemiousness of use of ink, the number of his extant works is very small. The painting of Moss Traces and Tree Shadows was created by Ni Yunlin two years before his death, which marks a national first-class cultural relic. In the painting, there are two dead trees, one piece of green stone and several clusters of tall bamboos. In the upper left corner, he also wrote a poem by himself. His ink and brush skills of ancient and unsophisticated calligraphy have really reached the level of perfection.

[The Handwritten Instruction of King Wu, Ordering the World]——The Handwritten Instruction Scroll by Zhu Yuanzhang in Running Script

A collection is like a piece of living history, which penetrates the tunnel of history and tells the world about the beacon years of the past. The Handwritten Instruction of King Wu in the Wuxi Museum takes us into that history of war flames and fires and the other side of the legendary emperor.

Our Wuxi Museum also boasts the Handwritten Instruction of King Wu by Zhu Yuanzhang. This scroll enjoys prestigious historical value as a national first-class cultural relic. It is a handwritten instruction by Zhu Yuanzhang to General Xu Da, talking about the jailbreak of Zhang Shicheng’s trusted generals. Up to now, when we spread this scroll for reading, we can still feel Zhu Yuanzhang’s decisive temperament of killing enemies.

[A Galaxy of Talents in Wuxi, An Inheritance of the Wu Style]——Integration of the past and the present, revitalization of cultural relics

Today, Wuxi Museum has transformed itself from an ordinary“collector”to a“preserver”and“inheritor”of culture. By planning and holding several high-quality original exhibitions every year, the museum allows more and more precious cultural relics to meet with the audience. Meanwhile, it focuses on talent cultivation and creates a platform for more young talents to study, research, create and display, further promoting the protection and utilization of Wuxi’s cultural heritages, and advancing the sustainable development and prosperity of Wuxi’s culture and arts.

Since 2019, Wuxi Museum has carried out an action initiative for Wuxi Talents in Museology, giving special funding to eligible young artists and young scholars. Through the first phase action, we have successfully held the“Fusing Ancient with New - 2020 New Art Space Special Exhibition in Wuxi Museum”, and the second phase of the action initiative is underway. 

Gathering talents, passing on the culture, integrating the past with the present and revitalizing cultural relics. Wuxi Museum is interpreting inheritance and innovation in its own unique way,“letting cultural relics come alive”and bringing cultural relics into the lives of the public.

Welcome to the Wuxi Museum, to touch the history and appreciate the ancient charm of the Wu style tinged with aromatic calligraphy.